On Fri, 5 Sep 2008, you opined: > Will do. Thanks for all your help. I'll post back here if/when I get some > resolution from the ALSA folk (just to close the loop so that any people > searching this thread in the future know what the solutions was). For what it worth and to close this thread off. In addition, I am now no longer interested in helping solve this problem. This whole issue with Linux on the PS3 is a complete disaster. It is nowhere near ready for use outside of developers labs. What started out as a fun coding exercise to develop a simple jukebox application has turned into an almighty nightmare. First with the alsa/pulseaudio/phonon/? problems; then QtEmbedded doesn't compile with MySQL support; and, finally, getting the Sixaxis controller to be recognised under Linux. I "Give Up"(tm). I'll be buying a "normal" box to be used as my HTPC. Thanks to all those that tried to solve this problem - despite the above comments, your help was _really_ appreciated. It's just that I've run out of patience and motivation.