On Thu, May 8, 2008 at 8:55 AM, Juan A Fuentes <juanantofb at gmail.com> wrote: > > P.D. soy espa?ol, alguien habla espa?ol? > I can read and understand spanish pretty well, since I'm brazilian. But I don't know who to write spanish. I also very new to pulseaudio, but if I can help up somehow, fell free to contact me. I think that maybe it's not much polite to write in spanish on a english-language mailing list, so if you want you can email me in pvt. But don't be afraid of writing not-that-good english. The purpose of this mailing list is to talk about pulseaudio, not to grammar check someone else's english :-) -- Jo?o Paulo Rechi Vita MSc Computer Science Student Computer Engineer IC/UNICAMP