Juan A Fuentes wrote: > hi, sorry for my english You don't need to apologies for you're english..... sending HTML email with black text on a black background however requires a grovelling apology ;) > i have ubuntu hardy on a pc, and xp on anoter pc, i has been donloaded > pulseaudio for windows, how can run pulseaudio for windows? or where i > can find a sted by sted manual for do this? The windows version works much like the linux version, namely by running pulseaudio.exe. You can pass the arguments -vvv to get a verbose output from it. I should point out however that the windows version is not as feature complete as the linux version in that you cannot play sound on windows to a pulseaudio server (e.g. there is no way to create a "virtual" sound card driver that you can configure your applications to use). This will hopefully come at some point but not yet. What it does allow you to do is play sound on your Ubuntu machine and have the sound come out the windows box. HTHs Col