Hi Shlomi, It would have probably been wise to ask this on the cooker mailing list first but seeing as you're here now ;) Shlomi Fish wrote: > Hi all! > > I'm using Mandriva Cooker (the bleeding edge of Mandriva Linux) with > Pulseaudio. However, other users I su - to cannot play sound despite > the fact that they belong to the "audio" group. Pulseaudio is started > like this: > # Do some pid file tidy up > PIDFILE=/tmp/pulse-$USER/pid > if [ -f $PIDFILE ]; then > PID=$(cat $PIDFILE) > if [ -f /proc/$PID/status ]; then > PNAME=$(cat /proc/$PID/status | grep ^Name | awk '{ print $2 }') > if [ "pulseaudio" != "$PNAME" ]; then > # This is a bogus pid file and pulse will fail to start. > rm -f $PIDFILE > fi > fi > fi This whole bit can technically be removed now but I forgot to tidy up after myself post 0.9.8 when better PID tidyup was added to pulse itself. > And: > > <<<<<<<<<< > shlomi:~$ ls -l /tmp/pulse-shlomi/ > total 4 > srwxrwxrwx 1 shlomi shlomi 0 2008-03-22 19:40 native > -rw------- 1 shlomi shlomi 5 2008-03-22 19:40 pid > > Any suggestions and best-practices will be welcome. To explain: The pulse libraries (which get invoked when playing sound) will check the current user and see if they can access /tmp/pulse-$USER for a control socket with which to communicate with the pulse daemon. When you su or su - the $USER is root and therefore it doesn't look at your /tmp/pulse-shlomi (initially). It then falls back to other methods, e.g. network. In theory it should follow your X11 cookie, but I'm not 100% sure that's working right now - I'll need to look. Certainly how my machine appears to be able to play sounds as root at the moment is because I have the network enabled in paprefs and I have "Don't require authentication" ticked" If I turn this off, root cannot play. Hope this helps. Col