On Wed, 30.07.08 10:37, Muylle Bart (Muylle.Bart at skynet.be) wrote: > Hello, > > I try to make my multiseatcomputer 4 seats working with sound. But I > don't have any result, the sound comes always out of the same output on > every screen. ( on the system I have 1 hardware soundcard on the > mainboard and 3 usb sound-cards) I am not sure if the system wide daemon is a good choice here. Also note that you cannot the HAL module, because it will listen for ACL changes which you don't really want to have here. > > I have installed pulseaudio with a system-wide deamon. I setup the > device chooser , I have edit the .pulse/default-sink for the default Don't use the device chooser. It's obsolete. > output, but it stil doesn't work. > I have also done the perfect setup, but the flashplayer crash not > sometime, but always with the flashplayer 10 beta, with the version 9 it > works, but not on the right sound-output. > > What did I wron ? When you need logs or anything say it. > > My linux distro is ubuntu hardy. I never tried to set something like this up, so I don't really now how to do this best. I assume PA needs a bit of fixing here and there to make this work properly. Patches are always welcome... All I can tell you is how *not* to do it ;-) Lennart -- Lennart Poettering Red Hat, Inc. lennart [at] poettering [dot] net ICQ# 11060553 http://0pointer.net/lennart/ GnuPG 0x1A015CC4