On Mon, Jan 28, 2008 at 08:52:12PM -0600, Dewey Smolka wrote: > If there's a searchable archive of this mailing list, please tell me > where I can access it, as I was only able to find a non-searchable > archive. My apologies in advance if my questions have already been > answered and I didn't know where to look. The list is registered to Gmane: http://dir.gmane.org/gmane.comp.audio.pulseaudio.general Next time you want a searchable archive, go to http://gmane.org/find.php. Gmane doesn't have every list on Earth, but it seems to be fairly comprehensive. Another way to search archives is to use Google. Put site:tango.0pointer.de/pipermail/pulseaudio-discuss to the search, and the results will be limited to this mailing list. In this case I don't think you'll find much by using either method, though. > My goal is to use Pulse to manage both the Omega and the MX200 as a > single virtual device such that I can still use all 4 ins and both > outs on the Omega while also using the MX200 for send/return with > Ardour via Jack -- both as part of the same Alsa 'device'. Ideally I'd > like to use the MX200 as a dual-channel send/return plugin in > Ardour/Jack, but I'd be satisfied with single-channel as long as I can > control send levels by track. > > The main question is: Is this even possible with Pulse? I tried to run jack on top of pulse, and it seems that it doesn't work at all because the pulse device doesn't support mmap access that jack needs. So we can forget about pulse - all I can do now is suggest you to take a look on Jack diplomat: http://mw-turing.culture.hu-berlin.de/mwiki/index.php/Jack_diplomat I don't have any personal experience of Jack diplomat, so if you run into trouble with it, it's likely that I won't be able to give any help (and it would be off-topic anyway). -- Tanu Kaskinen