I would like to use pulseaudio on a machine which I have the sound card attached to an digital decoder. I'm using the alsa A52 plugin to perform a stereoupmix from 2 channels to six channels such that I get the same stereo out of the front and rear speakers. Can I use the remap module to copy 2 channels to 4? The front speaker and sub woofer would be nice too. The example on the pulseaudio twiki for module-remap-sink doesn't quite apply (at least I don't think so). This is what I have for stereoupmix in ALSA, turning 2 channel stereo into 6 channels via a52 reencoding. You'll notice that I naively attempted to replace the a52 plugin with the pulse plugin after upmix, but that doesn't want to work. pcm.!default { type plug slave.pcm "Filter_RateConvert" } pcm.Filter_RateConvert { type rate slave { pcm "stereoupmix" rate 48000 } } pcm.stereoupmix { type upmix slave.pcm "a52encode" channels 6 } pcm.a52encode { # type pulse type a52 } pcm.front-spdif { type plug slave.pcm "iec958" }