PA with Gnome 2.20

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On Wed, 2007-10-17 at 00:40 +0200, Lennart Poettering wrote:
> On Tue, 16.10.07 15:28, Alex Malinovich (demonbane at wrote:
> > Anyone have any suggestions on getting around that? Or does anyone know
> > the technical reasons for why that's happening so I can file a bug
> > report? Thanks.
> Why do you start/stop PA all the time? If you are running PA 0.9.7
> (from SVN) the much cleaner solution would be to use pasuspender to
> temporarily suspend PA from accessing the audio devices.

I don't usually use it to suspend pulse, I use it to reload it with
different settings. I have a surround setup which shows up as 2 alsa
devices, so I have 3 different surround layouts using pulse. A "clone"
one which clones the front speakers to the rear, and two regular
surround setups, one which works correctly with Totem, the other which
works correctly with mplayer. (Basically I have 3 different ways of
loading module-combine.)

Is there a better way to do this that can be scripted relatively easily?

Alex Malinovich
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