Le vendredi 30 novembre 2007 ? 14:19 +0000, Colin Guthrie a ?crit : > Has anyone priced up how cheap they could make a pulse server? Yes, think LTSP (Linux Terminal Server Project). An X terminal is basically a Pulse Server with a monitor, keyboard and mouse ;-) Our company has deployed thousands of these terminals in offices and schools. One interesting model ($139) is this: http://devonit.com/terminals/terminals_overview.php Another company that makes interesting products is: http://www.norhtec.com/products/index.html We can also go as low as $20-$40 with recycled computers. We bought a truckload of Dell Optiplex PII/400 mhz for $20 each. Right now, the big special is a PIII 800mhz for $39: http://insertech.qc.ca/ang/usage-a.htm > I'm thinking: > > * Small mobo with not very powerful CPU. > * Sound output (obviously) > * Small amount of ram > * Ethernet (wired and/or wireless) > * Onboard flash or PXE capable boot > > With the above it would be possible to tailor a small linux install to > boot and run pulse and have it publish itself to your network with > zeroconf-publish and tunnel-sink. > > Has anyone done any research on this? What's the cheapest possible way > of doing it. Anyone manage to rip out cheap consumer electronics gear > and slap their own linux kernel + pulse on it? > > > > It's a Friday and I'm struggling to do any real work..... ;) > > Col > > _______________________________________________ > pulseaudio-discuss mailing list > pulseaudio-discuss at mail.0pointer.de > https://tango.0pointer.de/mailman/listinfo/pulseaudio-discuss -- Jean-Michel Dault <jmdault at revolutionlinux.com> R?volution Linux inc.