I've been working with pulseaudio for a while in an embedded system. The configure options can make it small, but I have found that the key to get it running is replacing the resampling code and the software volume/ mixing code. The current resampling code is all floating point and the volume/mixing code isn't very efficient for an embedded system. Keith Preston On 5/14/07, DSK <dsk.in.2007 at gmail.com> wrote: > > Hello all, > > I would like to know if there is a stripped down version of pulseaudio > which is apt for embedded system .. i searched on this but i didnt get.. > could you please redirect me ?? > > Regards, > dsk. > > > _______________________________________________ > pulseaudio-discuss mailing list > pulseaudio-discuss at mail.0pointer.de > https://tango.0pointer.de/mailman/listinfo/pulseaudio-discuss > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/pulseaudio-discuss/attachments/20070514/65dff5e6/attachment.htm>