x86_android_tablets kernel module fails to load on Lenovo Yogatab3 YT3-90L

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I face the following problem: x86_android_tablets kernel module fails
to load on Lenovo Yogatab3 YT3-90L
>[   17.853705] x86_android_tablets: error -16 getting GPIO INT33FF:01 5
>[   17.859623] x86_android_tablets x86_android_tablets: probe with driver
>x86_android_tablets failed with error -16
Steps to Reproduce:  compile and boot into kernel 6.14-rc5 (from
tarball) Lenovo Yogatab3 YT3-90L. Ubuntu 24.04 is used as an
environment. Kernel is compiled on target.

Actual Results: e.g. the batteries are not recognized

Build Date & Hardware:
  OS: Ubuntu 24.04.2 LTS x86_64
  Host: CHERRYVIEW D1 PLATFORM Blade3-10A-001
  Kernel: 6.14.0-rc5

Additional Builds and Platforms: last checked working using kernel
6.6.30 (I have not tried on later 6.6.x  kernels, but already not
working - same results- on 6.7.10) - here the Ubuntu mainline compiles
were used and installed from .deb files.

Additional Information: some additional logs on

Please let me know if any other information can help.


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