Hi Gašper, Thank you for your patch. First if all a few generic notes: 1. When sending out v2 of the patch please add platform-driver-x86@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx to the Cc 2. The patch subject (first line of commit message) should have a prefix describing the subsystem + driver, e.g. use: "platform/x86: ideapad-laptop: Add a few new keymap entries" 3. Your patch is missing a signed-off-by, see: https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/process/submitting-patches.html#sign-your-work-the-developer-s-certificate-of-origin 4. Your commit message / patch should also have a body, e.g. the entirety of the commit message could look something like this: -- begin -- platform/x86: ideapad-laptop: Add a few new keymap entries The Yoga 9 2 in 1 14imh9 introduces 4 new hotkeys which are not yet in ideapad_keymap[], add entries to map these keys. Signed-off-by: Gašper Nemgar <your-email-here> -- end -- A few more specific remarks below based on looking at this picture of the keyboard: https://ardes.bg/uploads/original/lenovo-yoga-9-2-in-1-14-g9-550178.jpg On 13-Mar-25 4:17 PM, Gašper Nemgar wrote: > diff --git a/drivers/platform/x86/ideapad-laptop.c b/drivers/platform/x86/ideapad-laptop.c > index 30bd366d7..af124aafe 100644 > --- a/drivers/platform/x86/ideapad-laptop.c > +++ b/drivers/platform/x86/ideapad-laptop.c > @@ -1308,6 +1308,14 @@ static const struct key_entry ideapad_keymap[] = { > /* Specific to some newer models */ > { KE_KEY, 0x3e | IDEAPAD_WMI_KEY, { KEY_MICMUTE } }, > { KE_KEY, 0x3f | IDEAPAD_WMI_KEY, { KEY_RFKILL } }, > + /*Star- (User Asignable Key)*/ > + { KE_KEY, 0x44 | IDEAPAD_WMI_KEY, { KEY_PROG1 } }, Ack. > + /*Eye*/ > + { KE_KEY, 0x45 | IDEAPAD_WMI_KEY, { KEY_DISPLAYTOGGLE } }, It looks like the laptop already does display-toggle as Fn-F7 although it like sends super + P for this (AKA meta + P). So mapping this to KEY_DISPLAYTOGGLE seems wrong, what does this do under Windows? Maybe KEY_ZOOM ? > + /*Performance*/ > + { KE_KEY, 0x3d | IDEAPAD_WMI_KEY, { KEY_SPORT } }, I think that instead of mapping this it should be handled specially and call platform_profile_cycle() instead of sending a key-press to userspace > + /*shift + prtsc*/ > + { KE_KEY, 0x2d | IDEAPAD_WMI_KEY, { KEY_PROG3 } }, Looking a the symbol on the keyboard this should send KEY_SELECTIVE_SCREENSHOT > > { KE_END }, > }; > Regards, Hans