Re: [PATCH v4 1/2] x86: Support APU5 & APU6 in PCEngines platform driver

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On 13.02.23 15:25, Hans de Goede wrote:

It would be good to know the ACPI names. Also what happens with the ACPI
registered LED devices when the pcengines-apu driver loads, does it
somehow unregister those ?

It doesn't (hasn't any code for that). But the even more interesting
question is: does the acpi driver lock the IO space so my gpio driver,
and so the apu driver itself, can't initialize at all ? Or are we in a
situation where two different drivers meddle with the same chip ?

If the ACPI LEDs are not unregistered and keep working, then I guess there is no userspace
API breakage when using pcengines-apu on newer APU models, "just" duplicate LED devices ?

Supporting both LED name schemes on the newer boards is an interesting
thought. Do we have some way for aliasing LED names ?

OTOH, I wonder whether we need the model specific LED naming at all.
In the old apuv1 driver, there used to be some (unsupported) LED-only
support for apuv2, which used model-specific naming. When adding full
apuv2/v3 support, I specifically chose not to do this, since I don't want userland having to care about the specific model version. And the
naming is a bit more clear on the actual meaning of these LEDs.

- Additionally, we already broke this in the (distant) past because there was a previous APU driver
which used different names still...

Just because we have gotten away with it once, does not mean we should do it again :)

Back then the situation was different. Haven't even found anybody who's
was actually using this in the field. This ancient driver (actually made
for acpuv1, which is totally different HW) was only serving the three
front LEDs, nothing else, and blocked using the other GPIOs (eg. button)
Some people out there did weird hacks by directly writing registers from
userland (obviously w/o loading the ancient driver) - and even worse:
pcengines publically adviced to so.

For the new models I'm fine with whatever LED naming is preferred.

NAK. The problem here is: userland now has to differenciate between
various models again. Applications suddenly need to be rewritten in
order to work with the next higher model, or it fails. That might be not
a problem for home users, but in the industrial field it is a huge
problem: you suddenly end up with two product configurations or need
extra SW complexity to cope with several models at runtime - and this
even grows with the next one.

Exactly what I wanted to prevent once and for all.

Since the meaning of these LEDs doesn't change, there's just no need to
change their naming.

For the new models my main worry is what happens to users of the ACPI exposed LED devices
(under /sys/class/leds/)  once the pcengines-apu driver starts binding/loading on the new models ?

The more interesting question is whether the gpio driver can get the
iospace of the gpio devices. Haven't got one of the new boards, so
couldn't yet check what actually happens there.


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