On Sun, Aug 23, 2020 at 08:58:35PM +0300, Marius Iacob wrote: > I have an ASUS T103HAF and while trying to load asus-nb-wmi module it fails because it has i8042 as dependecy and that module does not load on my device. Can you be more specific, why that module is not loaded? > I see that i8042 is used in asus-nb-wmi for a quirk, so it's not necessary all the time. How can I make it an optional dependecy? > > Sorry if you are not the right person for this question, and if so can you redirect me to the right person. The rule of thumb is to use mailing list that more people can see this. Nevertheless, I Cc'ed this to mailing list and people who worked on this driver lately. -- With Best Regards, Andy Shevchenko