Pali, For some time there have been folks reporting some issues where keyboard backlight setting is failing on various Dell systems ( I've been circling around internally to find out what's going on. This affects a number of systems from the last year or so. What is happening is that some platforms support an alternate keyboard timeout while on AC. The old "timeout" value is treated as just a battery timeout and the separate value is the AC timeout. Unfortunately if the AC timeout is /not/ set in the timeout setting/update request, this will fail. As a result I prototyped a few changes for this at the libsmbios branch here: It's not yet requested for merging because I still don't know why the request to supported features returns "Always On" still (that shouldn't be supported). As far as I can tell this doesn't really map well to how the keyboard backlight driver in the kernel works today, so I wanted to raise this to you to discuss what the best way to handle it is. One of these systems can be detected by the presence of the token 0x451. When that is found, the additional timeout unit and value should be sent with the requests. Can you let me know your thoughts? Thanks,