Hi Lars,
This has been reported before by a customer, and the workaround has just been checked in to SVN trunk: https://trac.pjsip.org/repos/changeset/6066.
Just FYI, this was our investigation result:
The NDK r20 seems to modify one of its C++ include dir contents so the compiler cannot find the correct "stdint.h" file, i.e: it finds and uses only the C++ version headers (twice, two similar stdint.h files in different dirs), while uint64_t definition is only defined in the C version header. Not sure if the fix should be done in the PJSIP (build config) as it sounds like the NDK bug.
On Thu, Aug 15, 2019 at 5:32 PM Lars Olsson <lars.olsson76@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
_______________________________________________In file included from ../../webrtc/src/webrtc//system_wrappers/source/cpu_features.cc:13:
../../webrtc/src/webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/cpu_features_wrapper.h:45:8: error: unknown type name 'uint64_t'
extern uint64_t WebRtc_GetCPUFeaturesARM(void);
Steps to reproduce:
export ANDROID_NDK_ROOT=/<path_to_ndks>/android-ndk-r20/
TARGET_ABI=x86 ./configure-android --use-ndk-cflags
make dep && make clean && make
/ Lars
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