I am successfully setup to PJSip library in Objective C. User registration process is also successfully done. but call invite gets an error.
like : 019-04-01 11:20:22.530840+0200 PJSip[388:33565] [aurioc] 1540: AUIOClient_StartIO failed (-66637)
2019-04-01 11:20:22.592449+0200 PJSip[388:33565] [aurioc] 1540: AUIOClient_StartIO failed (-66637)
2019-04-01 11:20:22.654770+0200 PJSip[388:33565] [aurioc] 1540: AUIOClient_StartIO failed (-66637)
2019-04-01 11:20:22.718791+0200 PJSip[388:33565] [aurioc] 1540: AUIOClient_StartIO failed (-66637)
2019-04-01 11:20:22.781989+0200 PJSip[388:33565] [aurioc] 1540: AUIOClient_StartIO failed (-66637)
2019-04-01 11:20:22.846006+0200 PJSip[388:33565] [aurioc] 1540: AUIOClient_StartIO failed (-66637)
11:20:22.848 pjsua_aud.c !..Unable to open sound device: Unknown error 506637 [status=506637]
11:20:22.849 call.m Error making call: Unknown error 506637 [status=50663
So that case I enable third-party media. So please help me, How to setup it.
I want Integrating Third Party Media Stack into PJSUA-LIB Xcode PJSip. But I am trying to enable to PJMedia setup.
But unable to understand who to start setup. Please help me, What is the basic role to initiate it.
Best Regards
Vivek Shukla
Sr. iOS Developer