And by pjlib, I meant to ask about pjsip and C++! pj++ are wrappers around pjlib. Is there a C++ wrapper for pjsip? Thanks again, sorry about the mixup. MD On 2012-11-12, at 3:29 PM, Matt DeLuco <matt.deluco at> wrote: > I'm starting a C++ sip client and intend to use pjsip. I'm curious about the pj++ headers - browsing the SVN repo it looks like they haven't been modified in 7 years. Are they still relevant and useful? > > I also found pjsua2 (formerly Gossip) and wonder if there is an equivalent for pjlib (for those of us that can't use pjsua, for whatever reason.) Is pj++ the pjlib equivalent of pjsua2? > > Any additional information, reading, or code samples using pjlib in a C++ project would be appreciated. > > Thanks! > > MD