Hi all, I'm trying to use the event package api to add a module that manage some proprietary events type. The event package (evsub) seems to be the correct module to use and does almost everything I need. However, I have a little doubt on how to manage event-params since my server needs some params to be added in subscription. For example, I'd like to send as event header in subscription : Event : my-events;version="1.0";param1="value1" The pjsip_evsub_create_uac api allows to set only the event_type and id_param (indirectly) of the pjsip_event_hdr. As the evsub is opaque, it seems to me not possible from app to modify directly the pjsip_event_hdr from the created sub. So I was wondering how I should modify the "other_params" value from api without hacking headers? I was expecting something to get pjsip_event_hdr from the opaque pjsip_evsub, but I didn't found one. Did somebody already tried to use the event package framework with events params ? And if so what is the best way to set these parameters? BR R?gis