Thanks for the pointers using pjsua client i can create new --option to not send c= in SDP or command .... Looking over info, pointers on changing SDP struct pjmedia_sdp_attr struct pjmedia_sdp_rtpmap struct pjmedia_sdp_fmtp struct pjmedia_sdp_rtcp_attr struct pjmedia_sdp_conn struct pjmedia_sdp_bandw struct pjmedia_sdp_media struct pjmedia_sdp_session where struct pjmedia_sdp_conn contains the c= parameter do i use pjmedia_sdp_attr_remove ( unsigned * count, pjmedia_sdp_attr * attr_array[], pjmedia_sdp_attr * attr ) wit attr being c= OR is c= not considered an struct pjmedia_sdp_attr given it is in different structure then attr? BTW where do i find the attr names to use in the pj_status_t pjmedia_sdp_attr_remove (unsigned *count, pjmedia_sdp_attr *attr_array[], pjmedia_sdp_attr *attr) back to not sending the c= anyone know what is needed regards and thanks