If we're talking about PJSUA-LIB, the answer is no, if you also need both IPv4 and IPv6 for the media. This is because media transports are created in advance, and there can only be one network type at a time. We plan to fix this in 2.0 (see ticket #539) The SIP side alone should be okay. If you create both IPv4 and IPv6 SIP UDP transports, PJSIP should *in theory* select one automatically. Best regards, ?Benny On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 11:45 PM, Bradley Sweeney <brad.sweeney at gmail.com> wrote: > Is PJSIP able to operate with a mixture of IPv4 and IPv6 call servers? ?Have tried to to find documentation on this topic, but have not had much success. > _____________________ > Brad Sweeney > brad.sweeney at gmail.com >