On the web page, the 1.5.5 zip file still has 1/11/2010 date and inside also. ----- Original Message ---- From: Benny Prijono <bennylp@xxxxxxxxx> To: pjsip list <pjsip at lists.pjsip.org> Sent: Tue, January 19, 2010 11:42:52 AM Subject: New 1.5.5 ZIP file FYI we uploaded a new pjproject-1.5.5.zip file in the download section. This fixed the missing portaudio from the previous zip. Thanks Klaus and GU Ping for the report. Best regards, Benny _______________________________________________ Visit our blog: http://blog.pjsip.org pjsip mailing list pjsip at lists.pjsip.org http://lists.pjsip.org/mailman/listinfo/pjsip_lists.pjsip.org