pjsua: audio bursting

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hello again :)
Can me somebody explain what does mean these logs?

233 samples reduced, buf_cnt=877
JB shrinking 1 frame(s), cur size=32                                      
jb updated(1), prefetch=12, size=33 
Master/sound  Underflow, buf_cnt=0, will generate 1 frame      

233 samples reduced, buf_cnt=877
this log is generate with function

/* This function will erase samples from delay buffer.
 * The number of erased samples is guaranteed to be >= erase_cnt.
static void shrink_buffer(pjmedia_delay_buf *b, unsigned erase_cnt)

why is sample erase from buffer..buffer is too smal? or write stream is bigger 
than read stream?

Master/sound  Underflow, buf_cnt=0, will generate 1 frame
And what is this.. No data in "sound buffer"? If yes...why?

I have problem with audio... i using sample application pjsua.. but when i 
calling i hear bursting...

when i compile with empty config_site.h config and run pjsua as:

./pjsua-arm-unknown-linux-gnu --id sip:pc3 at --registrar 
sip: --realm asterisk --username pc3 --password heslo  --auto-
answer 200 --app-log-level=5 --playback-dev=1 --clock-rate=8000 --snd-clock-
rate=8000  --play-file ./samples/test8000.wav --no-vad 

i get lot of these logs:

10:15:30.879   Master/sound  Underflow, buf_cnt=0, will generate 1 frame      
 10:15:30.901     ec0x2581d0  50 samples reduced, buf_cnt=930                  
 10:15:30.905   Master/sound  Underflow, buf_cnt=0, will generate 1 frame      
 10:15:30.909   Master/sound  Underflow, buf_cnt=0, will generate 1 frame      
 10:15:30.921     ec0x2581d0  166 samples reduced, buf_cnt=924                 
 10:15:30.933     ec0x2581d0  143 samples reduced, buf_cnt=941                 
 10:15:30.963   Master/sound  Underflow, buf_cnt=0, will generate 1 frame      
 10:15:30.969   strm0x27baec  jb updated(1), prefetch=23, size=39              
 10:15:30.976     ec0x2581d0  266 samples reduced, buf_cnt=835                 
 10:15:30.993   Master/sound  Underflow, buf_cnt=0, will generate 1 frame      
 10:15:31.004     ec0x2581d0  46 samples reduced, buf_cnt=949                  
 10:15:31.007   Master/sound  Underflow, buf_cnt=0, will generate 1 frame      
 10:15:31.016   Master/sound  Underflow, buf_cnt=0, will generate 1 frame      
 10:15:31.027     ec0x2581d0  245 samples reduced, buf_cnt=864                 
 10:15:31.030   Master/sound  Underflow, buf_cnt=0, will generate 1 frame      
 10:15:31.047     ec0x2581d0  77 samples reduced, buf_cnt=947                  
 10:15:31.055     ec0x2581d0  162 samples reduced, buf_cnt=945                 
 10:15:31.083   Master/sound  Underflow, buf_cnt=0, will generate 1 frame      
 10:15:31.104     ec0x2581d0  293 samples reduced, buf_cnt=812                 
 10:15:31.107   Master/sound  Underflow, buf_cnt=0, will generate 1 frame      
 10:15:31.115     ec0x2581d0  49 samples reduced, buf_cnt=923                  
 10:15:31.120   Master/sound  Underflow, buf_cnt=0, will generate 1 frame      
 10:15:31.141     ec0x2581d0  145 samples reduced, buf_cnt=938                 
 10:15:31.153   Master/sound  Underflow, buf_cnt=0, will generate 1 frame      
 10:15:31.166     ec0x2581d0  231 samples reduced, buf_cnt=867                 
 10:15:31.183   Master/sound  Underflow, buf_cnt=0, will generate 1 frame      
 10:15:31.194     ec0x2581d0  97 samples reduced, buf_cnt=930                  
 10:15:31.200   Master/sound  Underflow, buf_cnt=0, will generate 1 frame      
 10:15:31.218     ec0x2581d0  188 samples reduced, buf_cnt=902                 
 10:15:31.228   Master/sound  Underflow, buf_cnt=0, will generate 1 frame      
 10:15:31.260     ec0x2581d0  108 samples reduced, buf_cnt=954                 
 10:15:31.263   Master/sound  Underflow, buf_cnt=0, will generate 1 frame     

but when i run with paramter


i get these logs:

10:19:01.011   strm0x26774c  JB shrinking 1 frame(s), cur size=41             
 10:19:01.211   strm0x26774c  JB shrinking 1 frame(s), cur size=38             
 10:19:01.411   strm0x26774c  JB shrinking 1 frame(s), cur size=37             
 10:19:01.611   strm0x26774c  JB shrinking 1 frame(s), cur size=38             
 10:19:01.811   strm0x26774c  JB shrinking 1 frame(s), cur size=37             
 10:19:02.011   strm0x26774c  JB shrinking 1 frame(s), cur size=34             
 10:19:02.214   strm0x26774c  JB shrinking 1 frame(s), cur size=34             
 10:19:02.438   strm0x26774c  JB shrinking 1 frame(s), cur size=34             
 10:19:02.663   strm0x26774c  JB shrinking 1 frame(s), cur size=34             
 10:19:03.333   strm0x26774c  JB shrinking 1 frame(s), cur size=34             
 10:19:03.353   Master/sound  Underflow, buf_cnt=44, will generate 1 frame     
 10:19:03.661   strm0x26774c  JB shrinking 1 frame(s), cur size=34             
 10:19:03.668   Master/sound  172 samples reduced, buf_cnt=672                 
 10:19:04.196   strm0x26774c  JB shrinking 1 frame(s), cur size=34             
 10:19:04.311   strm0x26774c  jb updated(2), prefetch=22, size=48              
 10:19:04.684   strm0x26774c  JB shrinking 1 frame(s), cur size=44             
 10:19:04.691   Master/sound  92 samples reduced, buf_cnt=740                  
 10:19:04.729   Master/sound  164 samples reduced, buf_cnt=736                 
 10:19:04.767   Master/sound  235 samples reduced, buf_cnt=661                 
 10:19:04.797   Master/sound  37 samples reduced, buf_cnt=784                  
 10:19:04.818   Master/sound  161 samples reduced, buf_cnt=783                 
 10:19:04.831   Master/sound  160 samples reduced, buf_cnt=783                 
 10:19:04.839   Master/sound  273 samples reduced, buf_cnt=670                 
 10:19:04.847   Master/sound  128 samples reduced, buf_cnt=702                 
 10:19:04.935   Master/sound  189 samples reduced, buf_cnt=673                 
 10:19:04.943   strm0x26774c  jb updated(2), prefetch=32, size=43              
 10:19:08.171   strm0x26774c  jb updated(1), prefetch=31, size=45              
 10:19:11.411   strm0x26774c  jb updated(1), prefetch=22, size=45              
 10:19:11.413   strm0x26774c  JB shrinking 1 frame(s), cur size=44             
 10:19:11.622   strm0x26774c  JB shrinking 1 frame(s), cur size=44             
 10:19:12.653   strm0x26774c  JB shrinking 1 frame(s), cur size=44             
 10:19:12.795   Master/sound  170 samples reduced, buf_cnt=663                 
 10:19:12.814   Master/sound  131 samples reduced, buf_cnt=692                 
 10:19:12.827   Master/sound  103 samples reduced, buf_cnt=749                 
 10:19:12.857   Master/sound  200 samples reduced, buf_cnt=709                 
 10:19:12.898   Master/sound  174 samples reduced, buf_cnt=695                 
 10:19:12.928   Master/sound  187 samples reduced, buf_cnt=668                 
 10:19:12.902   strm0x26774c  JB shrinking 1 frame(s), cur size=44             
 10:19:12.983   strm0x26774c  jb updated(2), prefetch=26, size=39              
 10:19:13.602    pjsua_acc.c  Sending 2 bytes keep-alive packet for acc 2 to
 10:19:13.608   tdta0x25f0f0  Destroying txdata raw                                             
 10:19:13.636   Master/sound  76 samples reduced, buf_cnt=752

when i compile project with config_site.h 


Is it better. (sound bursting sometimes ..i think when  JB shrinking log is 
occured )

and i get lot of logs like this:

without --ec-tail=0

 11:21:43.271   strm0x27bfc4  JB shrinking 1 frame(s), cur size=29                              
 11:21:43.274     ec0x250268  239 samples reduced, buf_cnt=826                                  
 11:21:43.293     ec0x250268  104 samples reduced, buf_cnt=882                                  
 11:21:43.313     ec0x250268  162 samples reduced, buf_cnt=880                                  
 11:21:43.332     ec0x250268  156 samples reduced, buf_cnt=884                                  
 11:21:43.353     ec0x250268  188 samples reduced, buf_cnt=856                                  
 11:21:43.384     ec0x250268  83 samples reduced, buf_cnt=933                                   
 11:21:43.394     ec0x250268  164 samples reduced, buf_cnt=929                                  
 11:21:43.422     ec0x250268  202 samples reduced, buf_cnt=887                                  
 11:21:43.444     ec0x250268  99 samples reduced, buf_cnt=948                                   
 11:21:43.464     ec0x250268  265 samples reduced, buf_cnt=843                                  
 11:21:43.479   strm0x27bfc4  JB shrinking 1 frame(s), cur size=30                              
 11:21:43.482     ec0x250268  122 samples reduced, buf_cnt=881                                  
 11:21:43.534     ec0x250268  99 samples reduced, buf_cnt=942                                   
 11:21:43.544     ec0x250268  244 samples reduced, buf_cnt=858                                  
 11:21:43.554     ec0x250268  115 samples reduced, buf_cnt=903                                  
 11:21:43.569     ec0x250268  248 samples reduced, buf_cnt=815                                  
 11:21:43.633     ec0x250268  106 samples reduced, buf_cnt=869                                  
 11:21:43.636     ec0x250268  176 samples reduced, buf_cnt=853                                  
 11:21:43.640     ec0x250268  151 samples reduced, buf_cnt=862                                  
 11:21:43.671   strm0x27bfc4  JB shrinking 1 frame(s), cur size=29                              

with --ec-tail=0

09:42:49.105     ec0x256b70  215 samples reduced, buf_cnt=801                                          
 09:42:49.120   strm0x27bdc4  JB shrinking 1 frame(s), cur size=33                                      
 09:42:49.126     ec0x256b70  11 samples reduced, buf_cnt=950                                           
 09:42:49.164     ec0x256b70  233 samples reduced, buf_cnt=877                                          
 09:42:49.184     ec0x256b70  212 samples reduced, buf_cnt=825                                          
 09:42:49.224     ec0x256b70  148 samples reduced, buf_cnt=837                                          
 09:42:49.244     ec0x256b70  128 samples reduced, buf_cnt=869                                          
 09:42:49.284     ec0x256b70  212 samples reduced, buf_cnt=817                                          
 09:42:49.305     ec0x256b70  60 samples reduced, buf_cnt=917                                           
 09:42:49.320   strm0x27bdc4  JB shrinking 1 frame(s), cur size=32                                      
 09:42:49.344     ec0x256b70  214 samples reduced, buf_cnt=863 

>>> cl
Conference ports:
Port #00[ 8KHz/20ms/1]   UCB1400:  (hw:0,0)  transmitting to:
Port #01[ 8KHz/20ms/1] ./samples/test8000.wav  transmitting to: #0
Port #02[ 8KHz/20ms/1]             ringback  transmitting to:
Port #03[ 8KHz/20ms/1]                 ring  transmitting to:

when i run sound localy as
cc 1 0 

without --ec-tail=0

sound bursting sometimes 

i get these logs:

11:04:54.954     ec0x24d890  240 samples reduced, buf_cnt=842                                           
 11:04:54.974     ec0x24d890  144 samples reduced, buf_cnt=858                                           
 11:04:54.994     ec0x24d890  145 samples reduced, buf_cnt=873                                           
 11:04:55.034     ec0x24d890  144 samples reduced, buf_cnt=889                                           
 11:04:55.074     ec0x24d890  145 samples reduced, buf_cnt=904                                           
 11:04:55.114     ec0x24d890  145 samples reduced, buf_cnt=919                                           
 11:04:55.134     ec0x24d890  144 samples reduced, buf_cnt=935                                           
 11:04:55.154     ec0x24d890  289 samples reduced, buf_cnt=806                                           
c 11:04:55.245     ec0x24d890  142 samples reduced, buf_cnt=824                                          
 11:04:55.252     ec0x24d890  144 samples reduced, buf_cnt=840                                           
d 11:04:55.347     ec0x24d890  97 samples reduced, buf_cnt=903                                           
 11:04:55.368     ec0x24d890  145 samples reduced, buf_cnt=918                                           
 11:04:55.387     ec0x24d890  145 samples reduced, buf_cnt=933                                           
 11:04:55.407     ec0x24d890  289 samples reduced, buf_cnt=804                                           
 11:04:55.447     ec0x24d890  145 samples reduced, buf_cnt=819                                           
 11:04:55.529     ec0x24d890  144 samples reduced, buf_cnt=835                                           
 11:04:55.556     ec0x24d890  145 samples reduced, buf_cnt=850    

 11:04:57.875       pa_dev.c  Done, status=0
 11:04:57.877       pa_dev.c  Closing UCB1400:  (hw:0,0): 87 underflow, 639 

with --ec-tail=0
all work fine.. but: 
Closing UCB1400:  (hw:0,0): 1 underflow, 6 overflow :)

Can me somebody help where the potential problem is?

Is it ARM processor and CPU load is cca 80%


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