Hi, G711 is very low complexity codec (see http://trac.pjsip.org/repos/wiki/PJMEDIA-MIPS, stream with G711 in P3 700MHz only cost < 0.1% CPU), so the codec shouldn't be the problem. Also your CPU utilization seems to be relatively low (although it supposed to be lower than 30%). So it's not the CPU limitation. Please see this, in case you haven't: https://trac.pjsip.org/repos/wiki/FAQ#high-perf. And also please try this, in case you haven't: - use master clock (not sound device) for the clock source, since sound device may be disturbed by high CPU load and CPU spikes. - use clock rate 8000 Hz for the master clock (or conf bridge, if you use it) to avoid resampling. Btw, is there any chance that the problem is in the caller/tester (e.g: the app tester can only handle 20 concurrent calls, so you should run 2 instances of app tester on 2 different machines)? Regards, nanang On 03/09/2008, Fr??d??ric CLEMENT <fclement at viatelecom.com> wrote: > My Load average is about 1.00 (34 % CPU utilization). > The codec I am using is Alaw (g711). > Can I expect to handle 100 calls with a Core2Duo or QuadCore Xeon ? > > Should I user another codec ? My switch have many implemented. (Dialogic > Cantata IMG). > > Regards, > > Frederic > > > Nanang Izzuddin a ?crit : > Hi, Which codec are you using? How about the CPU utilization? Since > it's may be caused by CPU limitation in doing media processing > (especially encoding). Regards, nanang On 03/09/2008, Fr??d??ric CLEMENT > <fclement at viatelecom.com> wrote: > Hi again all, I am still building an IVR server and testing the max > possible account of calls that can be handled by pjsip. I set > PJSUA_MAX_CALLS to 100 The value inf config_site.h for > PJMEDIA_SOUND_BUFFER_COUNT is set to 16. My application just take calls and > play a sound file looped. I use the pjsua high level methods > (pjsua_player_create ....) The machine is a Pentium IV 1.9 Ghz with enough > memory. When I send 20 calls, the sound stays being correct. If I send 30 > simultaneous calls, I get the same result than described on your site > : http://trac.pjsip.org/repos/wiki/audio-problem-dropouts The > sound I have is the same than the stutter.wav found > there. http://trac.pjsip.org/repos/attachment/wiki/audio-problem-dropouts/stutter.wav Wich > optimisations can be done ? My goal is about 100 simultaneous > calls. Regards, Frederic (Sorry again for my very bad > english) _______________________________________________ Visit > our blog: http://blog.pjsip.org pjsip mailing > list pjsip at lists.pjsip.org http://lists.pjsip.org/mailman/listinfo/pjsip_lists.pjsip.org > _______________________________________________ Visit our > blog: http://blog.pjsip.org pjsip mailing > list pjsip at lists.pjsip.org http://lists.pjsip.org/mailman/listinfo/pjsip_lists.pjsip.org > > _______________________________________________ > Visit our blog: http://blog.pjsip.org > > pjsip mailing list > pjsip at lists.pjsip.org > http://lists.pjsip.org/mailman/listinfo/pjsip_lists.pjsip.org > > >