On Tue, May 20, 2008 at 10:04 PM, Rodrigo Vega <vegaroy13 at gmail.com> wrote: > Hi Benny: > > Now I can compile symbian_ua.exe successfully. > > But what I can't do is running over the emulator. I've done two things, > first: When I config the Emulator without TextShell and execute > symbian_ua.exe, the emulator askme for 'Select Access Point', so I choose > 'Winsock', and then I cannot see the console and everything I see is the > main view of the cell but not the console, and my Asterisk register that > user, is like having the program running in background or something like Try pressing and holding the main menu button to switch between applications (not sure if it works for emulator though). > that, what is practically useless. Second: When I enable TextShell in the > epoc.ini of the Emulator (and olso ScreenWidth and Height to 640x480) never > ask me for 'Select Access Point' and after a while prints me [press any key > to close] (or something like that). > > I don't know if the application close because an error, How can I redirect > the log to a file??? > I think this has been discussed before in the list, please try to search the list archive. Cheers Benny