Play audio with samples/playfile correctly, but not on pjsua

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Hi Fan Cheng,

At the first glance, the difference was in clock rate for sound device
and then we realized that there is truncation in samples calculation
because of 11025-16000 clock rate adjustment, but, as I just tested,
this should not produce such kind of 'screak' (however, somehow this
should be handled better, just created new ticket

Not sure where the screak is produced, so one of this may help to pin
point the problem:
1. try with the same clock-rate as in play file, by specifying
--clock-rate 11025 in pjsua param.
2. disable the EC by specifying --ec-tail 0 in pjsua param.
3. update to the new latest SVN, since there was update related to OSS


2008/5/11 Fan-Cheng Wu ?????\ < at>:
> (This is the same content with previous message I posted. I didn't see the
> message on, so I post it again)
> Hi all,
> I tried to play a wav file with
> pjsip-apps/bin/samples/playfile-arm-unknown-none, and I can hear the audio
> correctly. But when I run bin/pjsua-arm-unknown-none and play a wav file in
> program(, the audio would
> be heard like someone's screak.
> How can I fix the problem? My platform is MontaVista 4.0 with ARM 9. (ps.
> the same condition happened when I compilied it for Ubuntu 8.04 with x86)
> Thanks a lot.
> Here are some log when I run two program:
> root at
> bin/samples/playfile-arm-unknown-none ~/ring.wav
>  17:54:20.894 os_core_unix.c pjlib 0.8.0 for POSIX initialized
>  17:54:21.508      pasound.c PortAudio sound library initialized, status=0
>  17:54:21.509      pasound.c PortAudio host api count=2
>  17:54:21.510      pasound.c Sound device count=1
>  17:54:21.521          pjlib select() I/O Queue created (0x82f34)
>  17:54:21.529   wav_player.c File player '/root/ring.wav' created:
> samp.rate=11025, ch=1, bufsize=4KB, filesize=31KB
>  17:54:21.670      pasound.c Opened device 0: /dev/dsp(OSS) for playing,
> sample rate=11025, ch=1, bits=16, 220 samples per frame, latency=23 ms
>  17:54:21.671      pasound.c Starting /dev/dsp stream..
>  17:54:21.687      pasound.c Player thread started
>  17:54:21.688      pasound.c Done, status=0
> root at
> bin/pjsua-arm-unknown-none --play-file ~/ring.wav --log-level=6
> --playback-dev=0 --capture-dev=0 --app-log-level 5
> ......
>  17:54:54.642   wav_player.c File player '/root/ring.wav' created:
> samp.rate=11025, ch=1, bufsize=4KB, filesize=31KB
>  17:54:54.643     resample.c resample created: high qualiy, large filter,
> in/out rate=11025/16000
>  17:54:54.644     resample.c resample created: high qualiy, large filter,
> in/out rate=16000/11025
> .......
>  17:54:54.812      pasound.c Opened device /dev/dsp(OSS)//dev/dsp(OSS) for
> recording and playback, sample rate=16000, ch=1, bits=16, 160 samples per
> frame, input latency=16 ms, output latency=16 ms
>  17:54:54.814      pasound.c Starting /dev/dsp stream..
>  17:54:54.825      pasound.c Recorder thread started
>  17:54:54.826 os_core_unix.c Info: possibly re-registering existing thread
>  17:54:54.826      pasound.c Player thread started
>  17:54:54.828      pasound.c Done, status=0
>  17:54:54.926   echo_speex.c Speex Echo canceller/AEC created,
> clock_rate=16000, samples per frame=160, tail length=200 ms, latency=32 ms
> ........
>  17:54:56.104   pjsua_core.c Shutting down...
>  17:54:58.003  pjsua_media.c Closing /dev/dsp sound playback device and
> /dev/dsp sound capture device
>  17:55:00.023      pasound.c Stopping stream..
>  17:55:00.023      pasound.c Done, status=0
>  17:55:02.023      pasound.c Closing /dev/dsp: 0 underflow, 0 overflow
>  17:55:02.143      pasound.c PortAudio sound library shutting down..
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