Hi Fan Cheng, At the first glance, the difference was in clock rate for sound device and then we realized that there is truncation in samples calculation because of 11025-16000 clock rate adjustment, but, as I just tested, this should not produce such kind of 'screak' (however, somehow this should be handled better, just created new ticket http://trac.pjsip.org/repos/ticket/532). Not sure where the screak is produced, so one of this may help to pin point the problem: 1. try with the same clock-rate as in play file, by specifying --clock-rate 11025 in pjsua param. 2. disable the EC by specifying --ec-tail 0 in pjsua param. 3. update to the new latest SVN, since there was update related to OSS (see http://trac.pjsip.org/repos/ticket/523). Regards, nanang 2008/5/11 Fan-Cheng Wu ?????\ <fcwu.tw at gmail.com>: > (This is the same content with previous message I posted. I didn't see the > message on http://news.gmane.org/gmane.comp.voip.pjsip, so I post it again) > Hi all, > > I tried to play a wav file with > pjsip-apps/bin/samples/playfile-arm-unknown-none, and I can hear the audio > correctly. But when I run bin/pjsua-arm-unknown-none and play a wav file in > program(http://trac.pjsip.org/repos/wiki/audio-check-play), the audio would > be heard like someone's screak. > > How can I fix the problem? My platform is MontaVista 4.0 with ARM 9. (ps. > the same condition happened when I compilied it for Ubuntu 8.04 with x86) > > Thanks a lot. > > Here are some log when I run two program: > root at > bin/samples/playfile-arm-unknown-none ~/ring.wav > 17:54:20.894 os_core_unix.c pjlib 0.8.0 for POSIX initialized > 17:54:21.508 pasound.c PortAudio sound library initialized, status=0 > 17:54:21.509 pasound.c PortAudio host api count=2 > 17:54:21.510 pasound.c Sound device count=1 > 17:54:21.521 pjlib select() I/O Queue created (0x82f34) > 17:54:21.529 wav_player.c File player '/root/ring.wav' created: > samp.rate=11025, ch=1, bufsize=4KB, filesize=31KB > 17:54:21.670 pasound.c Opened device 0: /dev/dsp(OSS) for playing, > sample rate=11025, ch=1, bits=16, 220 samples per frame, latency=23 ms > 17:54:21.671 pasound.c Starting /dev/dsp stream.. > 17:54:21.687 pasound.c Player thread started > 17:54:21.688 pasound.c Done, status=0 > > root at > bin/pjsua-arm-unknown-none --play-file ~/ring.wav --log-level=6 > --playback-dev=0 --capture-dev=0 --app-log-level 5 > ...... > 17:54:54.642 wav_player.c File player '/root/ring.wav' created: > samp.rate=11025, ch=1, bufsize=4KB, filesize=31KB > 17:54:54.643 resample.c resample created: high qualiy, large filter, > in/out rate=11025/16000 > 17:54:54.644 resample.c resample created: high qualiy, large filter, > in/out rate=16000/11025 > ....... > 17:54:54.812 pasound.c Opened device /dev/dsp(OSS)//dev/dsp(OSS) for > recording and playback, sample rate=16000, ch=1, bits=16, 160 samples per > frame, input latency=16 ms, output latency=16 ms > 17:54:54.814 pasound.c Starting /dev/dsp stream.. > 17:54:54.825 pasound.c Recorder thread started > 17:54:54.826 os_core_unix.c Info: possibly re-registering existing thread > 17:54:54.826 pasound.c Player thread started > 17:54:54.828 pasound.c Done, status=0 > 17:54:54.926 echo_speex.c Speex Echo canceller/AEC created, > clock_rate=16000, samples per frame=160, tail length=200 ms, latency=32 ms > ........ > 17:54:56.104 pjsua_core.c Shutting down... > 17:54:58.003 pjsua_media.c Closing /dev/dsp sound playback device and > /dev/dsp sound capture device > 17:55:00.023 pasound.c Stopping stream.. > 17:55:00.023 pasound.c Done, status=0 > 17:55:02.023 pasound.c Closing /dev/dsp: 0 underflow, 0 overflow > 17:55:02.143 pasound.c PortAudio sound library shutting down.. > > > > > _______________________________________________ > Visit our blog: http://blog.pjsip.org > > pjsip mailing list > pjsip at lists.pjsip.org > http://lists.pjsip.org/mailman/listinfo/pjsip_lists.pjsip.org > >