G723 Codec Audio problem.

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I have skimmed your code, however I just checked the parser, the
attributes, and the numbers, all of those seem to be fine. Perhaps
some (minor) notes to be noticed: the parser can only work on 6.3kbps
mode and empty implementation of close codec.

Since the problem root hasn't been recognized, it is difficult to get
the solution :) So perhaps you can try these steps to help us pin
point the problem:
1. Try to make call with other "built-in" codec (e.g: GSM your wrapper
reference), please make sure the voice is fine.
2. Test the G723.1 codec wrapper with sample application: encdec.c,
you need to add your G723.1 wrapper to the sample app. It is important
to make sure your G723.1 wrapper produce good result here.
3. If both steps give positive result but the problem is still
occurred, please send along pjsua log file of a call using G.723.1.


2008/6/9 sre kdkjf <kk_kksri at yahoo.com>:
> Hi
> i tried the G723.1 in sample application , in that it is working fine and
> the audio is clear. there is no disturbance in the audio.
> i tried by disablin the vad , even though there is no change.
> when i include this in pjsip stack, the audio is getting choppy. i mean
> there is lot of noise coming in audio.
> have you gone through the file which i sent to you?
> if it had been solved then that will be great help for me...
> Thankyou.
> Nanang Izzuddin <nanang at pjsip.org> wrote:
> Assumed the G723.1 API usage is correct, all the params seem to be
> fine. Have you tried to disable the VAD/DTX (this may cause the parser
> doesn't parse correctly)? Or tried the codec in a simple application
> (unit test)?
> Regards,
> nanang
> 2008/6/9 sre kdkjf :
>> Hi
>> i did the same way how you told to me...
>> But as the audio is not at all clear...it is coming lot of choppy..with
>> lot
>> of disturbance.
>> i am sending the G723.c source file....how i made changes..
>> could you please go through this file and let me know what changes i need
>> to
>> make out.
>> if it works fine it would be great help ful for me...
>> i am waiting for your valuable reply.
>> Thankyou.
>> Nanang Izzuddin wrote:
>> Sorry, this should be:
>> bytes per frame: 320 -> 480
>> encoded bytes per frame: 33 -> 24
>> samples per frame: 160 -> 240
>> Regards,
>> nanang
>> 2008/6/6 Nanang Izzuddin :
>>> Hi,
>>> It seems to be G.723.1 (G.723 is different codec). For bitrate
>>> 6.3kbps, the attributes must be:
>>> attr->info.avg_bps = 6400; // integer calculation in stream may cause
>>> truncation, bigger value is safer, and it won't affect the real
>>> bitrate.
>>> attr->info.pcm_bits_per_sample = 16; // as it should be
>>> (the rest is fine)
>>> Moreover, as you said your reference is GSM wrapper, there are
>>> hardcoded values you need to modify in your G.723.1 wrapper:
>>> bytes per frame: 320 -> 240
>>> encoded bytes per frame: 33 -> 24
>>> samples per frame: 160 -> 120
>>> Good luck!
>>> nanang
>>> 2008/6/6 sre kdkjf :
>>>> Hi All,
>>>> i am making a sample application using pjsip stack. in the pjsip stack i
>>>> am trying to include audio codec G723.
>>>> i had added G723 codec in the same way of GSM Codec, as it is added in
>>>> the existing pjsip stack.
>>>> whenever i made a call from A to B, once the call is in connected state,
>>>> G723 rtp data is flowing from one end to other end.
>>>> the problem is, the audio is choppy, in the rtp data G723 data is
>>>> flowing
>>>> from A to B. But the no.of frames flowing from one end to other end is
>>>> coming less than 24.
>>>> And the bitrate i am using here is 6.3kbps. even then the bitrate coming
>>>> is 5.3 kbps.
>>>> whenever i am using microphone to talk, the bit rate i am getting is 5.3
>>>> kbps.
>>>> when the no.of frames are getting less than the actual frame rate i am
>>>> getting error.
>>>> so whenever the no. of frames per packet is less than the actual size,
>>>> the output buffer is also less than the actual rate.
>>>> at that time i am getting an error like
>>>> the attribute values i am using for G723 codec are as given below.
>>>> pj_bzero(attr,
>>>> sizeof(pjmedia_codec_param));
>>>> attr->info.clock_rate = 8000;
>>>> attr->info.channel_cnt = 1;
>>>> attr->info.avg_bps = 6300;
>>>> attr->info.pcm_bits_per_sample = 24;
>>>> attr->info.frm_ptime = 30;
>>>> attr->info.pt = PJMEDIA_RTP_PT_G723;
>>>> attr->setting.frm_per_pkt = 1;
>>>> attr->setting.vad = 1;
>>>> even i had changed the bits per samples to 16. even then the same
>>>> problem
>>>> i am getting.
>>>> so any body please help me out, to how to solve the audio issues by
>>>> using
>>>> G723 codec.
>>>> waiting for valuable reply.
>>>> Thankyou.
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>>>> pjsip mailing list
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>>>> http://lists.pjsip.org/mailman/listinfo/pjsip_lists.pjsip.org
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>> Visit our blog: http://blog.pjsip.org
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>> /* $Id: gsm.c 1267 2007-05-11 18:48:23Z bennylp $ */
>> /*
>> * Copyright (C)2003-2007 Benny Prijono
>> *
>> * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
>> * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
>> * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
>> * (at your option) any later version.
>> *
>> * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
>> * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
>> * GNU General Public License for more details.
>> *
>> * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
>> * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
>> * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
>> */
>> #include
>> #include
>> #include
>> #include
>> #include
>> #include
>> #include
>> #include
>> #include
>> #include
>> #include
>> //#include "../../third_party/gsm/inc/gsm.h"
>> #include
>> typedef signed short sint15;
>> typedef unsigned char uint8;
>> typedef int sint31;
>> /*
>> * Only build this file if PJMEDIA_HAS_G723_CODEC != 0
>> */
>> #if defined(PJMEDIA_HAS_G723_CODEC) && PJMEDIA_HAS_G723_CODEC != 0
>> /* We removed PLC in 0.6 */
>> #define PLC_DISABLED 1
>> /* Prototypes for G723 factory */
>> static pj_status_t g723_test_alloc( pjmedia_codec_factory *factory,
>> const pjmedia_codec_info *id );
>> static pj_status_t g723_default_attr( pjmedia_codec_factory *factory,
>> const pjmedia_codec_info *id,
>> pjmedia_codec_param *attr );
>> static pj_status_t g723_enum_codecs( pjmedia_codec_factory *factory,
>> unsigned *count,
>> pjmedia_codec_info codecs[]);
>> static pj_status_t g723_alloc_codec( pjmedia_codec_factory *factory,
>> const pjmedia_codec_info *id,
>> pjmedia_codec **p_codec);
>> static pj_status_t g723_dealloc_codec( pjmedia_codec_factory *factory,
>> pjmedia_codec *codec );
>> /* Prototypes for G723 implementation. */
>> static pj_status_t g723_codec_init( pjmedia_codec *codec,
>> pj_pool_t *pool );
>> static pj_status_t g723_codec_open( pjmedia_codec *codec,
>> pjmedia_codec_param *attr );
>> static pj_status_t g723_codec_close( pjmedia_codec *codec );
>> static pj_status_t g723_codec_modify(pjmedia_codec *codec,
>> const pjmedia_codec_param *attr );
>> static pj_status_t g723_codec_parse( pjmedia_codec *codec,
>> void *pkt,
>> pj_size_t pkt_size,
>> const pj_timestamp *ts,
>> unsigned *frame_cnt,
>> pjmedia_frame frames[]);
>> static pj_status_t g723_codec_encode( pjmedia_codec *codec,
>> const struct pjmedia_frame *input,
>> unsigned output_buf_len,
>> struct pjmedia_frame *output);
>> static pj_status_t g723_codec_decode( pjmedia_codec *codec,
>> const struct pjmedia_frame *input,
>> unsigned output_buf_len,
>> struct pjmedia_frame *output);
>> static pj_status_t g723_codec_recover(pjmedia_codec *codec,
>> unsigned output_buf_len,
>> struct pjmedia_frame *output);
>> #endif
>> /* Definition for G723 codec operations. */
>> static pjmedia_codec_op g723_op =
>> {
>> &g723_codec_init,
>> &g723_codec_open,
>> &g723_codec_close,
>> &g723_codec_modify,
>> &g723_codec_parse,
>> &g723_codec_encode,
>> &g723_codec_decode,
>> &g723_codec_recover
>> #else
>> #endif
>> };
>> /* Definition for G723 codec factory operations. */
>> static pjmedia_codec_factory_op g723_factory_op =
>> {
>> &g723_test_alloc,
>> &g723_default_attr,
>> &g723_enum_codecs,
>> &g723_alloc_codec,
>> &g723_dealloc_codec
>> };
>> /* G723 factory */
>> static struct g723_codec_factory
>> {
>> pjmedia_codec_factory base;
>> pjmedia_endpt *endpt;
>> pj_pool_t *pool;
>> pj_mutex_t *mutex;
>> pjmedia_codec codec_list;
>> } g723_codec_factory;
>> /* G723 codec private data. */
>> struct g723_data
>> {
>> struct g723_state *encoder;
>> struct g723_state *decoder;
>> pj_bool_t plc_enabled;
>> pjmedia_plc *plc;
>> #endif
>> pj_bool_t vad_enabled;
>> pjmedia_silence_det *vad;
>> pj_timestamp last_tx;
>> };
>> /*
>> * Initialize and register G723 codec factory to pjmedia endpoint.
>> */
>> PJ_DEF(pj_status_t) pjmedia_codec_g723_init( pjmedia_endpt *endpt )
>> {
>> pjmedia_codec_mgr *codec_mgr;
>> pj_status_t status;
>> if (g723_codec_factory.pool != NULL)
>> return PJ_SUCCESS;
>> /* Create G723 codec factory. */
>> g723_codec_factory.base.op = &g723_factory_op;
>> g723_codec_factory.base.factory_data = NULL;
>> g723_codec_factory.endpt = endpt;
>> g723_codec_factory.pool = pjmedia_endpt_create_pool(endpt, "g723.1",
>> 4000,
>> 4000);
>> if (!g723_codec_factory.pool)
>> return PJ_ENOMEM;
>> pj_list_init(&g723_codec_factory.codec_list);
>> /* Create mutex. */
>> status = pj_mutex_create_simple(g723_codec_factory.pool, "g723.1",
>> &g723_codec_factory.mutex);
>> if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
>> goto on_error;
>> /* Enable high pass filter */
>> g723_set_hp(1);
>> /* Enable post filter */
>> g723_set_pf(1);
>> /* Enable VAD */
>> g723_set_vx(1);
>> /* Use 6.3kbps rate */
>> g723_set_rate(0);
>> Init_Coder_G723();
>> Init_Decoder_G723();
>> /* Get the codec manager. */
>> codec_mgr = pjmedia_endpt_get_codec_mgr(endpt);
>> if (!codec_mgr) {
>> status = PJ_EINVALIDOP;
>> goto on_error;
>> }
>> /* Register codec factory to endpoint. */
>> status = pjmedia_codec_mgr_register_factory(codec_mgr,
>> &g723_codec_factory.base);
>> if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
>> goto on_error;
>> /* Done. */
>> return PJ_SUCCESS;
>> on_error:
>> pj_pool_release(g723_codec_factory.pool);
>> g723_codec_factory.pool = NULL;
>> return status;
>> }
>> /*
>> * Unregister G723 codec factory from pjmedia endpoint and deinitialize
>> * the G723 codec library.
>> */
>> PJ_DEF(pj_status_t) pjmedia_codec_g723_deinit(void)
>> {
>> pjmedia_codec_mgr *codec_mgr;
>> pj_status_t status;
>> if (g723_codec_factory.pool == NULL)
>> return PJ_SUCCESS;
>> /* We don't want to deinit if there's outstanding codec. */
>> /* This is silly, as we'll always have codec in the list if
>> we ever allocate a codec! A better behavior maybe is to
>> deallocate all codecs in the list.
>> pj_mutex_lock(gsm_codec_factory.mutex);
>> if (!pj_list_empty(&gsm_codec_factory.codec_list)) {
>> pj_mutex_unlock(gsm_codec_factory.mutex);
>> return PJ_EBUSY;
>> }
>> */
>> /* Get the codec manager. */
>> codec_mgr = pjmedia_endpt_get_codec_mgr(g723_codec_factory.endpt);
>> if (!codec_mgr) {
>> pj_pool_release(g723_codec_factory.pool);
>> g723_codec_factory.pool = NULL;
>> return PJ_EINVALIDOP;
>> }
>> /* Unregister G723 codec factory. */
>> status = pjmedia_codec_mgr_unregister_factory(codec_mgr,
>> &g723_codec_factory.base);
>> /* Destroy mutex. */
>> pj_mutex_destroy(g723_codec_factory.mutex);
>> /* Destroy pool. */
>> pj_pool_release(g723_codec_factory.pool);
>> g723_codec_factory.pool = NULL;
>> return status;
>> }
>> /*
>> * Check if factory can allocate the specified codec.
>> */
>> static pj_status_t g723_test_alloc( pjmedia_codec_factory *factory,
>> const pjmedia_codec_info *info )
>> {
>> PJ_UNUSED_ARG(factory);
>> /* Check payload type. */
>> if (info->pt != PJMEDIA_RTP_PT_G723)
>> /* Ignore the rest, since it's static payload type. */
>> return PJ_SUCCESS;
>> }
>> /*
>> * Generate default attribute.
>> */
>> static pj_status_t g723_default_attr (pjmedia_codec_factory *factory,
>> const pjmedia_codec_info *id,
>> pjmedia_codec_param *attr )
>> {
>> PJ_UNUSED_ARG(factory);
>> pj_bzero(attr, sizeof(pjmedia_codec_param));
>> attr->info.clock_rate = 8000;
>> attr->info.channel_cnt = 1;
>> attr->info.avg_bps = 6400;
>> attr->info.pcm_bits_per_sample = 16;
>> attr->info.frm_ptime = 30;
>> attr->info.pt = PJMEDIA_RTP_PT_G723;
>> attr->setting.frm_per_pkt = 1;
>> attr->setting.vad = 1;
>> attr->setting.plc = 1;
>> #endif
>> /* Default all other flag bits disabled. */
>> return PJ_SUCCESS;
>> }
>> /*
>> * Enum codecs supported by this factory (i.e. only G723!).
>> */
>> static pj_status_t g723_enum_codecs(pjmedia_codec_factory *factory,
>> unsigned *count,
>> pjmedia_codec_info codecs[])
>> {
>> PJ_UNUSED_ARG(factory);
>> PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(codecs && *count > 0, PJ_EINVAL);
>> pj_bzero(&codecs[0], sizeof(pjmedia_codec_info));
>> codecs[0].encoding_name = pj_str("G723.1");
>> codecs[0].pt = PJMEDIA_RTP_PT_G723;
>> codecs[0].type = PJMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO;
>> codecs[0].clock_rate = 8000;
>> codecs[0].channel_cnt = 1;
>> *count = 1;
>> return PJ_SUCCESS;
>> }
>> /*
>> * Allocate a new G723 codec instance.
>> */
>> static pj_status_t g723_alloc_codec( pjmedia_codec_factory *factory,
>> const pjmedia_codec_info *id,
>> pjmedia_codec **p_codec)
>> {
>> pjmedia_codec *codec;
>> struct g723_data *g723_data;
>> pj_status_t status;
>> PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(factory && id && p_codec, PJ_EINVAL);
>> PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(factory == &g723_codec_factory.base, PJ_EINVAL);
>> pj_mutex_lock(g723_codec_factory.mutex);
>> /* Get free nodes, if any. */
>> if (!pj_list_empty(&g723_codec_factory.codec_list)) {
>> codec = g723_codec_factory.codec_list.next;
>> pj_list_erase(codec);
>> } else {
>> codec = PJ_POOL_ZALLOC_T(g723_codec_factory.pool, pjmedia_codec);
>> codec->op = &g723_op;
>> codec->factory = factory;
>> g723_data = PJ_POOL_ZALLOC_T(g723_codec_factory.pool, struct
>> g723_data);
>> codec->codec_data = g723_data;
>> /* Create PLC */
>> status = pjmedia_plc_create(g723_codec_factory.pool, 8000,
>> 240, 0, &g723_data->plc);
>> if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
>> pj_mutex_unlock(g723_codec_factory.mutex);
>> return status;
>> }
>> #endif
>> /* Create silence detector */
>> status = pjmedia_silence_det_create(g723_codec_factory.pool,
>> 8000, 240,
>> &g723_data->vad);
>> if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
>> pj_mutex_unlock(g723_codec_factory.mutex);
>> return status;
>> }
>> }
>> pj_mutex_unlock(g723_codec_factory.mutex);
>> *p_codec = codec;
>> return PJ_SUCCESS;
>> }
>> /*
>> * Free codec.
>> */
>> static pj_status_t g723_dealloc_codec( pjmedia_codec_factory *factory,
>> pjmedia_codec *codec )
>> {
>> struct g723_data *g723_data;
>> int i;
>> PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(factory && codec, PJ_EINVAL);
>> PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(factory == &g723_codec_factory.base, PJ_EINVAL);
>> g723_data = (struct g723_data*) codec->codec_data;
>> /* Close codec, if it's not closed. */
>> g723_codec_close(codec);
>> /* Clear left samples in the PLC, since codec+plc will be reused
>> * next time.
>> */
>> for (i=0; i<2; ++i) {
>> pj_int16_t frame[240];
>> pjmedia_zero_samples(frame, PJ_ARRAY_SIZE(frame));
>> pjmedia_plc_save(g723_data->plc, frame);
>> }
>> #else
>> #endif
>> /* Re-init silence_period */
>> pj_set_timestamp32(&g723_data->last_tx, 0, 0);
>> /* Put in the free list. */
>> pj_mutex_lock(g723_codec_factory.mutex);
>> pj_list_push_front(&g723_codec_factory.codec_list, codec);
>> pj_mutex_unlock(g723_codec_factory.mutex);
>> return PJ_SUCCESS;
>> }
>> /*
>> * Init codec.
>> */
>> static pj_status_t g723_codec_init( pjmedia_codec *codec,
>> pj_pool_t *pool )
>> {
>> PJ_UNUSED_ARG(codec);
>> PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pool);
>> /* Enable high pass filter */
>> g723_set_hp(1);
>> /* Enable post filter */
>> g723_set_pf(1);
>> /* Enable VAD */
>> g723_set_vx(1);
>> /* Use 6.3kbps rate */
>> g723_set_rate(0);
>> Init_Coder_G723();
>> Init_Decoder_G723();
>> return PJ_SUCCESS;
>> }
>> /*
>> * Open codec.
>> */
>> static pj_status_t g723_codec_open( pjmedia_codec *codec,
>> pjmedia_codec_param *attr )
>> {
>> struct g723_data *g723_data = (struct g723_data*) codec->codec_data;
>> pj_assert(g723_data != NULL);
>> pj_assert(g723_data->encoder == NULL && g723_data->decoder == NULL);
>> /* g723_data->encoder = gsm_create();
>> if (!gsm_data->encoder)
>> gsm_data->decoder = gsm_create();
>> if (!gsm_data->decoder)
>> gsm_data->vad_enabled = (attr->setting.vad != 0);
>> gsm_data->plc_enabled = (attr->setting.plc != 0);
>> */
>> return PJ_SUCCESS;
>> }
>> /*
>> * Close codec.
>> */
>> static pj_status_t g723_codec_close( pjmedia_codec *codec )
>> {
>> struct g723_data *g723_data = (struct g723_data*) codec->codec_data;
>> pj_assert(g723_data != NULL);
>> /*if (gsm_data->encoder) {
>> gsm_destroy(gsm_data->encoder);
>> gsm_data->encoder = NULL;
>> }
>> if (gsm_data->decoder) {
>> gsm_destroy(gsm_data->decoder);
>> gsm_data->decoder = NULL;
>> }*/
>> return PJ_SUCCESS;
>> }
>> /*
>> * Modify codec settings.
>> */
>> static pj_status_t g723_codec_modify(pjmedia_codec *codec,
>> const pjmedia_codec_param *attr )
>> {
>> struct g723_data *g723_data = (struct g723_data*) codec->codec_data;
>> /* pj_assert(gsm_data != NULL);
>> pj_assert(gsm_data->encoder != NULL && gsm_data->decoder != NULL);
>> gsm_data->vad_enabled = (attr->setting.vad != 0);
>> gsm_data->plc_enabled = (attr->setting.plc != 0);*/
>> return PJ_SUCCESS;
>> }
>> /*
>> * Get frames in the packet.
>> */
>> static pj_status_t g723_codec_parse( pjmedia_codec *codec,
>> void *pkt,
>> pj_size_t pkt_size,
>> const pj_timestamp *ts,
>> unsigned *frame_cnt,
>> pjmedia_frame frames[])
>> {
>> unsigned count = 0;
>> PJ_UNUSED_ARG(codec);
>> while (pkt_size >= 24 && count < *frame_cnt) {
>> frames[count].type = PJMEDIA_FRAME_TYPE_AUDIO;
>> frames[count].buf = pkt;
>> frames[count].size = 24;
>> frames[count].timestamp.u64 = ts->u64 + count * 240;
>> pkt = ((char*)pkt) + 24;
>> pkt_size -= 24;
>> ++count;
>> }
>> *frame_cnt = count;
>> return PJ_SUCCESS;
>> }
>> /*
>> * Encode frame.
>> */
>> static pj_status_t g723_codec_encode( pjmedia_codec *codec,
>> const struct pjmedia_frame *input,
>> unsigned output_buf_len,
>> struct pjmedia_frame *output)
> === message truncated ===
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