Hi Benny, I am playing with ICE support in PJSUA right now and I found a small bug in INVITE/200 OK message's SDP. If you take a look at the lines below you'll see that the relayed candidates (with foundation R) have _typ srflx_ and they should have _typ relay_ there: a=candidate:S 1 UDP 23 78.a.b.c 39848 typ srflx raddr 192.168.x.y rport 39848 a=candidate:H 1 UDP 39 192.168.x.y 39848 typ host a=candidate:R 1 UDP 15 64.g.h.i 49177 typ srflx raddr 78.a.b.c rport 35798 a=candidate:S 2 UDP 22 78.a.b.c 51871 typ srflx raddr 192.168.x.y rport 51871 a=candidate:H 2 UDP 38 192.168.x.y 51871 typ host a=candidate:R 2 UDP 14 64.g.h.i 49178 typ srflx raddr 78.a.b.c rport 58880 Cheers, Ondrej