Hi all! I am experiencing a problem since I updated a moments ago from the SVN: everytime I make a call using ICE, an ASSERT_RETURN is being thrown in timer.c's *pj_timer_heap_schedule*, because entry->_timer_id is >= 1 I don't have a clue about why this is happening. Here is the stack trace: MyApp.exe!pj_timer_heap_schedule(pj_timer_heap_t * ht=0x04b48a48, pj_timer_entry * entry=0x04bdfb50, const pj_time_val * delay=0x0533ee10) Line 466 + 0x2b bytes C MyApp.exe!pjsip_endpt_schedule_timer(pjsip_endpoint * endpt=0x04b48894, pj_timer_entry * entry=0x04bdfb50, const pj_time_val * delay=0x0533ee10) Line 757 + 0x14 bytes C MyApp.exe!tsx_on_state_proceeding_uac(pjsip_transaction * tsx=0x04bdfa4c, pjsip_event * event=0x0533ef44) Line 2669 + 0x1a bytes C MyApp.exe!pjsip_tsx_recv_msg(pjsip_transaction * tsx=0x04bdfa4c, pjsip_rx_data * rdata=0x04b53de4) Line 1566 + 0x12 bytes C MyApp.exe!mod_tsx_layer_on_rx_response(pjsip_rx_data * rdata=0x04b53de4) Line 816 + 0xd bytes C MyApp.exe!endpt_on_rx_msg(pjsip_endpoint * endpt=0x04b48894, int status=0, pjsip_rx_data * rdata=0x04b53de4) Line 925 + 0x11 bytes C MyApp.exe!pjsip_tpmgr_receive_packet(pjsip_tpmgr * mgr=0x04b530e0, pjsip_rx_data * rdata=0x04b53de4) Line 1441 + 0x17 bytes C MyApp.exe!udp_on_read_complete(pj_ioqueue_key_t * key=0x04b50d44, pj_ioqueue_op_key_t * op_key=0x04b53df0, long bytes_read=395) Line 165 + 0x16 bytes C MyApp.exe!ioqueue_dispatch_read_event(pj_ioqueue_t * ioqueue=0x04b50790, pj_ioqueue_key_t * h=0x04b50d44) Line 550 + 0x16 bytes C MyApp.exe!pj_ioqueue_poll(pj_ioqueue_t * ioqueue=0x04b50790, const pj_time_val * timeout=0x0533fcac) Line 763 + 0x17 bytes C MyApp.exe!pjsip_endpt_handle_events2(pjsip_endpoint * endpt=0x04b48894, const pj_time_val * max_timeout=0x0533fe7c, unsigned int * p_count=0x00000000) Line 718 + 0x10 bytes C MyApp.exe!pjsip_endpt_handle_events(pjsip_endpoint * endpt=0x04b48894, const pj_time_val * max_timeout=0x0533fe7c) Line 745 + 0xf bytes C MyApp.exe!EventHandler(void * __formal=0x00000000) Line 547 + 0x16 bytes C++ > MyApp.exe!thread_main(void * param=0x04b47d8c) Line 413 + 0x11 bytes C Thanks in advance Pedro Gon?alves