Hello! I've just started using pjsip, and I have a problem with audio quality. When I use confsample to test loop between microphone and speaker (with 'c' command and '0', '0' arguments) everything is OK. But when I try to test loop with pjsua (as described at: http://trac.pjsip.org/repos/wiki/audio-check-loopback - "cc 0 0" command) I hear jittered sound. I got similar effect when I called remote (using pjsua) and use microphone as sound source. But when I use a .wav file (--play-file option) remote hear clear sound... I also tested microphone with recfile sample program - recorded sound is clear... Any idea how to fix this problem in pjsua? -- Pawe? Kierski pkierski <at> gmail.com