I have checked out the latest version of PJSIP from the SVN repository. I am trying to port the application to Symbian. I followed the steps outlined in the Symbian Tutorial. I am using, as mentioned in the tutorial: # Symbian S60 3rd Edition Maintenance Release (MR). # Carbide C++ version 1.2 (Developer Edition) # Nokia PC Suite 6.85 However, when I build the project using "Build Target only" I encounter a single error in line 75 of PJLIB.GCCE: \Symbian\9.1\S60_3rd_MR\EPOC32\BUILD\project\pjproject\build.symbian\PJLIB\GCCE\PJLIB.GCCE *** missing separator. Stop. This is line 75: \..\lib\gcc\arm-none-symbianelf\3.4.3\include" Any suggestions? ________________________________________ Samer M. Faour Computer and Communications Engineering American University of Beirut P.O. Box 11-0236/ 1461 Riad el Solh Square 1107 - 2020 Email: smf18 at aub.edu.lb ----------------------------------------------------------------