Thanks atik, I changed the port, still have problem, seems that the PJSUA need bind sound card, but one pc sound card can only bind by one sip UA? the error as follow: 14:26:46.866 os_core_unix.c pjlib 0.9.0-release for POSIX initialized 14:26:46.867 sip_endpoint.c Creating endpoint instance... 14:26:46.868 pjlib select() I/O Queue created (0xb7ad9098) 14:26:46.868 sip_endpoint.c Module "mod-msg-print" registered 14:26:46.868 sip_transport. Transport manager created. ERROR connecting ERROR connecting 14:26:46.869 sip_endpoint.c Module "mod-pjsua-log" registered 14:26:46.869 sip_endpoint.c Module "mod-tsx-layer" registered 14:26:46.869 sip_endpoint.c Module "mod-stateful-util" registered 14:26:46.869 sip_endpoint.c Module "mod-ua" registered 14:26:46.869 sip_endpoint.c Module "mod-100rel" registered 14:26:46.869 sip_endpoint.c Module "mod-pjsua" registered 14:26:46.869 sip_endpoint.c Module "mod-invite" registered 14:26:46.874 pasound.c PortAudio sound library initialized, status=0 14:26:46.874 pasound.c PortAudio host api count=1 14:26:46.874 pasound.c Sound device count=0 14:26:46.874 pjlib select() I/O Queue created (0x81bc004) 14:26:46.875 sip_endpoint.c Module "mod-evsub" registered 14:26:46.875 sip_endpoint.c Module "mod-presence" registered 14:26:46.875 sip_endpoint.c Module "mod-refer" registered 14:26:46.875 sip_endpoint.c Module "mod-pjsua-pres" registered 14:26:46.875 sip_endpoint.c Module "mod-pjsua-im" registered 14:26:46.875 sip_endpoint.c Module "mod-pjsua-options" registered 14:26:46.875 pjsua_core.c 1 SIP worker threads created 14:26:46.875 pjsua_core.c pjsua version 0.9.0-release for i686-pc-linux-gnu initialized 14:26:46.876 pjsua_core.c SIP UDP socket reachable@ 14:26:46.876 udp0x81c9780 SIP UDP transport started, published address is 14:26:46.876 pjsua_media.c RTP socket reachable at 14:26:46.876 pjsua_media.c RTCP socket reachable at 14:26:46.876 pjsua_media.c RTP socket reachable at 14:26:46.876 pjsua_media.c RTCP socket reachable at 14:26:46.876 pjsua_media.c RTP socket reachable at 14:26:46.876 pjsua_media.c RTCP socket reachable at 14:26:46.877 pjsua_media.c RTP socket reachable at 14:26:46.877 pjsua_media.c RTCP socket reachable at at 14:26:46.877 pjsua_acc.c Account sip:3003 at added with id 0 14:26:46.877 pjsua_core.c TX 386 bytes Request msg REGISTER/cseq=46245 (tdta0x81d55f0) to UDP sip: SIP/2.0Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj0PBmBZFflzFgnEfHlv3kZqjG2zedM5OpMax-Forwards: 70From: <sip:3003 at>;tag=NriUWRhK8ls.ZdohoMwyDT7srmZs8rKFTo: <sip:3003 at>Call-ID: 1-UU3Y4wRpfQEi7Hc.UJAkKAPDYm-JfNCSeq: 46245 REGISTERContact: <sip:3003 at>Expires: 300Content-Length: 0 --end msg-- 14:26:46.877 pjsua_acc.c Registration sent 14:26:46.877 pjsua_media.c pjsua_set_snd_dev(): attempting to open devices @16000 Hz 14:26:46.877 pjsua_media.c ..failed: No suitable sound capture device (PJMEDIA_ENOSNDREC) 14:26:46.877 pjsua_media.c pjsua_set_snd_dev(): attempting to open devices @22050 Hz 14:26:46.877 pjsua_media.c ..failed: No suitable sound capture device (PJMEDIA_ENOSNDREC) 14:26:46.877 pjsua_media.c pjsua_set_snd_dev(): attempting to open devices @44100 Hz 14:26:46.877 pjsua_media.c ..failed: No suitable sound capture device (PJMEDIA_ENOSNDREC) 14:26:46.877 pjsua_media.c pjsua_set_snd_dev(): attempting to open devices @48000 Hz 14:26:46.877 pjsua_media.c ..failed: No suitable sound capture device (PJMEDIA_ENOSNDREC) 14:26:46.877 pjsua_media.c pjsua_set_snd_dev(): attempting to open devices @32000 Hz 14:26:46.877 pjsua_media.c ..failed: No suitable sound capture device (PJMEDIA_ENOSNDREC) 14:26:46.877 pjsua_media.c pjsua_set_snd_dev(): attempting to open devices @16000 Hz 14:26:46.877 pjsua_media.c ..failed: No suitable sound capture device (PJMEDIA_ENOSNDREC) 14:26:46.877 pjsua_media.c pjsua_set_snd_dev(): attempting to open devices @8000 Hz 14:26:46.877 pjsua_media.c ..failed: No suitable sound capture device (PJMEDIA_ENOSNDREC) 14:26:46.878 pjsua_media.c Unable to open sound device: No suitable sound capture device (PJMEDIA_ENOSNDREC) [status=220200] 14:26:46.879 pjsua_core.c RX 454 bytes Response msg 100/REGISTER/cseq=46245 (rdata0x81c9bf4) from UDP 100 TryingVia: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKPj0PBmBZFflzFgnEfHlv3kZqjG2zedM5Op;received=;rport=5062From: <sip:3003@>;tag=NriUWRhK8ls.ZdohoMwyDT7srmZs8rKFTo: <sip:3003 at>Call-ID: 1-UU3Y4wRpfQEi7Hc.UJAkKAPDYm-JfNCSeq: 46245 REGISTERUser-Agent: Asterisk PBXAllow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFYContact: <sip:3003 at>Content-Length: 0 --end msg-- 14:26:46.880 sip_reg.c Unable to send request, regc has another transaction pending 14:26:46.880 pjsua_acc.c Unable to create/send REGISTER: Object is busy (PJSIP_EBUSY) [status=171001] 14:26:46.880 pjsua_core.c Shutting down... 14:26:46.898 pjsua_core.c RX 533 bytes Response msg 200/REGISTER/cseq=46245 (rdata0x81c9bf4) from UDP 200 OKVia: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKPj0PBmBZFflzFgnEfHlv3kZqjG2zedM5Op;received=;rport=5062From: <sip:3003@>;tag=NriUWRhK8ls.ZdohoMwyDT7srmZs8rKFTo: <sip:3003 at>;tag=as72a8758aCall-ID: 1-UU3Y4wRpfQEi7Hc.UJAkKAPDYm-JfNCSeq: 46245 REGISTERUser-Agent: Asterisk PBXAllow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFYExpires: 300Contact: <sip:3003 at>;expires=300Date: Wed, 06 Aug 2008 04:26:47 GMTContent-Length: 0 --end msg-- 14:26:46.899 pjsua_acc.c sip:3003 at registration success, status=200 (OK), will re-register in 300 seconds 14:26:46.899 pjsua_acc.c Keep-alive timer started for acc 0, destination:, interval:15s 14:26:47.886 pjsua_media.c Closing (null) sound playback device and (null) sound capture device 14:26:48.375 pasound.c PortAudio sound library shutting down.. 14:26:48.375 sip_endpoint.c Module "mod-pjsua-options" unregistered 14:26:48.375 sip_endpoint.c Module "mod-pjsua-im" unregistered 14:26:48.375 sip_endpoint.c Module "mod-pjsua-pres" unregistered 14:26:48.375 sip_endpoint.c Module "mod-pjsua" unregistered 14:26:48.375 sip_endpoint.c Module "mod-stateful-util" unregistered 14:26:48.375 sip_endpoint.c Module "mod-refer" unregistered 14:26:48.375 sip_endpoint.c Module "mod-presence" unregistered 14:26:48.375 sip_endpoint.c Module "mod-evsub" unregistered 14:26:48.375 sip_endpoint.c Module "mod-invite" unregistered 14:26:48.375 sip_endpoint.c Module "mod-100rel" unregistered 14:26:48.375 sip_endpoint.c Module "mod-ua" unregistered 14:26:48.375 sip_transactio Stopping transaction layer module 14:26:48.375 sip_transactio Transaction layer module destroyed 14:26:48.375 sip_endpoint.c Module "mod-tsx-layer" unregistered 14:26:48.375 sip_endpoint.c Module "mod-msg-print" unregistered 14:26:48.375 sip_endpoint.c Module "mod-pjsua-log" unregistered 14:26:48.376 sip_endpoint.c Endpoint 0x8192bfc destroyed 14:26:48.376 regc0x81d4bd8 Pool is not released by application, releasing now 14:26:48.376 pjsua_core.c PJSUA destroyed... > Date: Tue, 5 Aug 2008 21:23:44 -0700> From: atik.khan@xxxxxxxxx> To: pjsip at> Subject: Re: how to run two pjsua client in one PC?> > Hi, Liusheng> > it just because both SIP UA try to bind same port, see your log line> > > 13:54:27.954 pjsua_core.c bind() error: Address already in use> > try to use the settings bellow to get dynamic port for each instances> of your SIP UA> > udp_cfg.port = 0;> > rtp_cfg.port = 0;> > > Hope this help> > > atik> > > 2008/8/5 Liusheng <liu_sx2006 at>:> > I developed SIP Ua by PJSUA, but I want one pc can run two SIP UA(with> > different account).> >> > however, when the first one start, the other one cannot start, it will print> > error:> >> > 13:54:27.946 os_core_unix.c pjlib 0.9.0-release for POSIX initialized> > 13:54:27.946 sip_endpoint.c Creating endpoint instance...> > 13:54:27.946 pjlib select() I/O Queue created (0xb7ad0098)> > 13:54:27.946 sip_endpoint.c Module "mod-msg-print" registered> > 13:54:27.946 sip_transport. Transport manager created.> > ERROR connecting> > ERROR connecting> > 13:54:27.947 sip_endpoint.c Module "mod-pjsua-log" registered> > 13:54:27.947 sip_endpoint.c Module "mod-tsx-layer" registered> > 13:54:27.949 sip_endpoint.c Module "mod-stateful-util" registered> > 13:54:27.949 sip_endpoint.c Module "mod-ua" registered> > 13:54:27.949 sip_endpoint.c Module "mod-100rel" registered> > 13:54:27.949 sip_endpoint.c Module "mod-pjsua" registered> > 13:54:27.949 sip_endpoint.c Module "mod-invite" registered> > 13:54:27.953 pasound.c PortAudio sound library initialized, status=0> > 13:54:27.953 pasound.c PortAudio host api count=1> > 13:54:27.953 pasound.c Sound device count=0> > 13:54:27.953 pjlib select() I/O Queue created (0x81bc004)> > 13:54:27.953 sip_endpoint.c Module "mod-evsub" registered> > 13:54:27.953 sip_endpoint.c Module "mod-presence" registered> > 13:54:27.954 sip_endpoint.c Module "mod-refer" registered> > 13:54:27.954 sip_endpoint.c Module "mod-pjsua-pres" registered> > 13:54:27.954 sip_endpoint.c Module "mod-pjsua-im" registered> > 13:54:27.954 sip_endpoint.c Module "mod-pjsua-options" registered> > 13:54:27.954 pjsua_core.c 1 SIP worker threads created> > 13:54:27.954 pjsua_core.c pjsua version 0.9.0-release for> > i686-pc-linux-gnu initialized> > 13:54:27.954 pjsua_core.c bind() error: Address already in use> > [status=120098]> > 13:54:27.954 pjsua_core.c Shutting down...> > 13:54:29.454 pasound.c PortAudio sound library shutting down..> > 13:54:29.455 sip_endpoint.c Module "mod-pjsua-options" unregistered> > 13:54:29.455 sip_endpoint.c Module "mod-pjsua-im" unregistered> > 13:54:29.455 sip_endpoint.c Module "mod-pjsua-pres" unregistered> > 13:54:29.455 sip_endpoint.c Module "mod-pjsua" unregistered> > 13:54:29.455 sip_endpoint.c Module "mod-stateful-util" unregistered> > 13:54:29.455 sip_endpoint.c Module "mod-refer" unregistered> > 13:54:29.455 sip_endpoint.c Module "mod-presence" unregistered> > 13:54:29.455 sip_endpoint.c Module "mod-evsub" unregistered> > 13:54:29.455 sip_endpoint.c Module "mod-invite" unregistered> > 13:54:29.455 sip_endpoint.c Module "mod-100rel" unregistered> > 13:54:29.455 sip_endpoint.c Module "mod-ua" unregistered> > 13:54:29.455 sip_transactio Stopping transaction layer module> > 13:54:29.455 sip_transactio Transaction layer module destroyed> > 13:54:29.455 sip_endpoint.c Module "mod-tsx-layer" unregistered> > 13:54:29.455 sip_endpoint.c Module "mod-msg-print" unregistered> > 13:54:29.455 sip_endpoint.c Module "mod-pjsua-log" unregistered> > 13:54:29.455 sip_endpoint.c Endpoint 0x8192bfc destroyed> > 13:54:29.455 pjsua_core.c PJSUA destroyed...> > CDMASIP: ../src/pjsua-lib/pjsua_media.c:819: pjsua_media_transports_create:> > Assertion `pjsua_var.ua_cfg.max_calls>0' failed.> > Aborted (core dumped)> >> >> > Does someone have such experience? how to solve this problem?> >> > Thanks for your help.> >> > ________________________________> > ?MSN??????????????? ????????> > _______________________________________________> > Visit our blog:> >> > pjsip mailing list> > pjsip at> >> >> >> _______________________________________________> Visit our blog:> > pjsip mailing list> pjsip at> _________________________________________________________________ ?MSN??????????????PSP?????? -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... 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