Hi! I try to use pjsip at win32. If I run pjsua_vc8d.exe, make one outgoing call, and than enter U command - program failed with unhandled exception at: line 468 of stream.c (function check_tx_rtcp) stack trace: pjsua_vc8d.exe!check_tx_rtcp(pjmedia_stream * stream=0x00d6a844, unsigned int timestamp=68800) Line 471 + 0x1a bytes C pjsua_vc8d.exe!put_frame_imp(pjmedia_port * port=0x00d6a84c, const pjmedia_frame * frame=0x0169f4b0) Line 707 + 0x19 bytes C pjsua_vc8d.exe!put_frame(pjmedia_port * port=0x00d6a84c, const pjmedia_frame * frame=0x0169f4b0) Line 862 + 0xd bytes C pjsua_vc8d.exe!pjmedia_port_put_frame(pjmedia_port * port=0x00d6a84c, const pjmedia_frame * frame=0x0169f4b0) Line 84 + 0x12 bytes C pjsua_vc8d.exe!write_port(pjmedia_conf * conf=0x003f6e98, conf_port * cport=0x00d61f30, const pj_timestamp * timestamp=0x0169f934, pjmedia_frame_type * frm_type=0x0169f670) Line 1659 + 0x13 bytes C pjsua_vc8d.exe!get_frame(pjmedia_port * this_port=0x003f7310, pjmedia_frame * frame=0x0169f924) Line 1883 + 0x1e bytes C pjsua_vc8d.exe!pjmedia_port_get_frame(pjmedia_port * port=0x003f7310, pjmedia_frame * frame=0x0169f924) Line 67 + 0x12 bytes C pjsua_vc8d.exe!play_cb(void * user_data=0x00d2bf20, unsigned int timestamp=2216960, void * output=0x00175ea8, unsigned int size=320) Line 130 + 0xd bytes C pjsua_vc8d.exe!PaPlayerCallback(const void * input=0x00000000, void * output=0x00175ea8, unsigned long frameCount=160, const PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo * timeInfo=0x0169fed8, unsigned long statusFlags=0, void * userData=0x00d3ae4c) Line 175 + 0x20 bytes C pjsua_vc8d.exe!NonAdaptingProcess(PaUtilBufferProcessor * bp=0x00175d70, int * streamCallbackResult=0x0169ff28, PaUtilChannelDescriptor * hostInputChannels=0x00000000, PaUtilChannelDescriptor * hostOutputChannels=0x00176000, unsigned long framesToProcess=480) Line 823 + 0x31 bytes C pjsua_vc8d.exe!PaUtil_EndBufferProcessing(PaUtilBufferProcessor * bp=0x00175d70, int * streamCallbackResult=0x0169ff28) Line 1528 + 0x22 bytes C pjsua_vc8d.exe!ProcessingThreadProc(void * pArg=0x00175d20) Line 2934 + 0x13 bytes C kernel32.dll!7c80b50b() [Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded for kernel32.dll] kernel32.dll!7c8399f3() this is my mistake, or bug? -- Best regards, Alexey [ xpg934 at mail.ru ]