I am having some trouble with WAV file compatibility. Basically, I have a PCM 44.1 kHz wav file that I am trying to stream using RTP. Having looked at some samples, it looks to me like I should be setting up a number of ports like so: wav_player_port->master_port->stream_port The problem I have been having is to do with the sample rate and the number of samples per frame. I tried adding a resample port between the wav_player_port and the master_port, which successfully resamples the audio to 8kHz, but leaves us with 320 samples per frame, which the master_port does not like because the stream_port has around 160 samples per frame (can't remember if the numbers are correct, but you get the idea). I tried resampling the wav file using nero wav editor, but all that happens is that the wav_player_port then complains that the file is in the wrong format. Can anyone suggest a way around this? Thanks alot, Hussain