PHP SOAP - Extreme newbie questions :/

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Hi everyone,

I am an absolute beginner with SOAP :-( :-).
I have been trying to follow a tutorial
but I got stuck with "things" not working...

(Maybe the following example is not the simplest 
(I whish I had found a little "Hello World", but I didn't).
Notice that I wasn't especially willing to use "nusoap"
but it is what I found first. I discovered later I could 
have used the SOAP extension for PHP...
but as I said I know nothing about that).

1) Database:
So, in that example, I first created a database:
CREATE DATABASE soap_tutorial;

CREATE TABLE stockprices 
  stock_symbol   CHAR(3)            NOT NULL,
  stock_price      DECIMAL(8,2)     NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY(stock_id)

INSERT INTO stockprices VALUES (1, 'ABC', '75.00');
INSERT INTO stockprices VALUES (2, 'DEF', '45.00');
INSERT INTO stockprices VALUES (3, 'GHI', '12.00');
INSERT INTO stockprices VALUES (4, 'JKL', '34.00');

2) Server code:
it is supposed to connect to the above database and
return the "stock_price" of the tuple in which "stock_symbol"
is equal to the value of the getStockQuote() function
parameter: "$symbol". This value comes from the client
  function getStockQuote($symbol) 
  $retval = 0;

    $retval = mysql_connect("localhost", "user", "password");
      echo "<br />";
      echo "Database connection error";
      echo "<br />";
      return $retval;
    $retval = mysql_select_db("soap_tutorial");
      echo "<br />";
      echo "Database not found";
      echo "<br />";
      return $retval;
    $query = "SELECT stock_price FROM stockprices "
           . "WHERE stock_symbol = '" . $symbol . "'";

    $result = mysql_query($query);
      echo "<br />";
      echo "Query error";
      echo "<br />";
      return $result;
    $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);

    echo "<br />";
    echo "stock_price = " . $row["stock_price"];
    echo "<br />";

    return $stock_price;

  // Turn this function into a web service
  // Include the NuSOAP library

  // Instantiate an instance of the soap_server class
  $server = new soap_server();

  // Tell NuSOAP information for the WSDL document it is going to 
  // create for us. Specifically we specify the name of the server
  // and the namespace, in that order.
  $server->configureWSDL("stockserver", "urn:stockquote");

  // Register the function we created with the SOAP server. 
  // We pass several different parameters to the register method.
  // The first is the name of the function we are registering.
  // The next parameter specifies the input parameters to the 
  // function we are registering. Notice that it is an array. 
  // The keys of the array represent the names of the input 
  // parameters, while the value specifies the type of the 
  // input parameter. One thing that pure PHP programmers might 
  // find odd is that I had to specify what types my input and 
  // return parameters are with the designations of xsd:string 
  // and xsd:decimal. It is required that you describe your data 
  // properly. You are not dealing with a loosely typed language 
  // here.
  // The third parameter to the register method specifies the 
  // return type of the registered function. As shown below, it 
  // is fashioned in the same way as the last parameter, as an 
  // array.
  // The next two parameters specify the namespace we are 
  // operating in, and the SOAPAction. 
                    array("symbol" => "xsd:string"),
                    array("return" => "xsd:decimal"),

  // Now, we finally finish it off with two more lines of code.
  // The first simply checks if $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA is initialized. 
  // If it is not, it initializes it with an empty string. 
  // The next line actually calls the service. The web request is 
  // passed to the service from the $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA variable 
  // and all the magic behind the scenes takes place.
                        ? $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA : "";


=> :confused: I understand 
why the code inside the function is executed
because there is a function call in the client but I do not 
understand when the rest of the code (outside the function)
is executed...
=> :confused: Will I see server errors
(for example if the database connection fails)?

3) Client side code

  // Include the NuSOAP library

  // Instantiate the soapclient class. 
  // We pass in the URL of the SOAP Server we are dealing with.
  $c = new soapClient("soap_tutorial_server.wsdl");

  // Last make a call to the Web Service.
  // The one caveat is that the parameters to the Web Service must 
  // be encapsulated in an array in which the keys are the names 
  // defined for the service. You will see that I have an array 
  // key named 'symbol' because that is the name of the input 
  // parameter of my function. If you remember how we specified 
  // the input parameters when we registered the function with the 
  // server, you will see that this is very similar.
  $stockprice = $c->call("getStockQuote", array("symbol" => "ABC"));

  // Output the result
  echo "<br />";
  echo "The stock price for \"ABC\" is " . $stockprice . ".";
  echo "<br />";

  // Kill object

4) I put those two files ("soap_tutorial_server.php" and 
"soap_tutorial_client.php") in my "htdocs" directory.

5) When I open "soap_tutorial_server.php" in my browser, I get a page which 
contents are:


View the WSDL for the service. Click on an operation name to view 
it's details.

    * getStockQuote

I can click on the word "WSDL" and I get the following URI :
In the browser appears an XML file.

=> :confused: Should I do something with it?
(Save it somewhere?)
=> :confused: Can you explain me the syntax "soap_tutorial_server.php?wsdl"?

6) When I open "soap_tutorial_client.php", I get the following content:
The stock price for "ABC" is .

As you can see, the "stock_price" is missing.

I have tried to find a simple tutorial about SOAP but I haven't had 
the chance to find something simple...

I know there is a lot to read above... but I would be very grateful if 
you could give me a little help :-) !

Thanks and best regards :-),
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