size limit for message sub-nodes?

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I have defined a SOAP message for submitting mixed data, including a base64 encoded image.  Everything works fine when the images I send are small (640x480).  However when my images grow too large (1024x768), the image data coming out of the SOAP request appears to be truncated.  For example, instead of being 169,048 bytes, it is 166,448 bytes.

What I'm doing is re-encoding the image data that SoapServer has decoded for me for the purpose of storing it in a text field in a mysql table.  So it may be that SoapServer is truncating the data.  Or (less likely?) it may be that base64_encode is truncating the data.

Is there a size limit for message sub-nodes that SoapServer can handle?

I have attached relevant sections of my server and WSDL file below.

Thanks in advance for any advice.


Here are the relevant parts of my SOAP server:


function submitSighting($collector_id, 
			$notes = NULL,
			$alive_flag = true,
			$photovideo = NULL) {

  $species_common_name = mysql_real_escape_string($species_common_name);
  $sighting_datetime = mysql_real_escape_string($sighting_datetime);
  $location_lat = mysql_real_escape_string($location_lat);
  $location_long = mysql_real_escape_string($location_long);
  if (NULL != $notes) {
    $notes = mysql_real_escape_string($notes);
  } else {
    $notes = "";
  if (true == $alive_flag) {
    $alive_flag = 'Y';
  } else {
    $alive_flag = 'N';
  if (NULL != $photovideo) {
    $photovideo = base64_encode($photovideo);
  } else {
    $photovideo = "";

  $species_id = getSpeciesIdFromCommonName($species_common_name, $link); // function definition removed from this snippet
  if (!$species_id) {
     $msg =  "The species " . $species_common_name . " is unknown.";

  // Insert into the sightings table
  $query = sprintf("insert into pws_sightings values (NULL, %d, %d, 'N', '%s', %f, %f, '%s', '%s', '%s')",

  $result = mysql_query($query);
  if ($result) {
     $msg = "Success"; 
  } else {
     $msg .= " was NOT successfully submitted due to error: " . mysql_error(); 

  error_log($msg, 0);

  return $msg;

// SOAP stuff
ini_set("soap.wsdl_cache_enabled", "1"); // Enable WSDL cache
$server = new SoapServer("pws.wsdl");




Here is the relevant excerpt from my WSDL file:

<message name='submitSightingRequest'>
  <part name='collector_id' type='xsd:integer'/>
  <part name='species_common_name' type='xsd:string'/>
  <part name='sighting_datetime' type='xsd:dateTime'/>
  <part name='location_lat' type='xsd:double'/>
  <part name='location_long' type='xsd:double'/>
  <part name='notes' type='xsd:string'/>
  <part name='alive_flag' type='xsd:boolean'/>
  <part name='photovideo' type='xsd:base64Binary'/>
<message name='submitSightingResponse'>
  <part name='Result' type='xsd:string'/>

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