send mail via SOAP

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Hi ,
i'm in trouble with sending emails via SOAP.

i've done the Class ( that works perfect if included ), than generated the wsdl ( that responds with the right methods ) and the Client that makes Calls.

If I run the Client i've back nothing in debugger neither in other place.

I'm not sure but i think that the $_SERVER call in the __construct is not ok , is it righht ?

Sorry for my poor english and Thanks for any help.


this is the SoapServer:


class service_sendmail {

	public $message = null;
	public $to_email = null;
	public $to_name = null;
	public $cc_email = null;
	public $cc_name = null;
	public $bcc_email = null;
	public $bcc_name = null;
	public $subject=null;
	public $msg_ok=null;
	protected $messaggio=null;
	private $url_origine=null;
	private $name=null;
	private $email=null;
	public function __construct(){
		 * retrieve dell'host che vuole inviare una mail
	private function hostchiamante(){
		 * l'url che sta chiedendo di inviare una mail

		return $name_url[0];
	private function query_autenticazione($url_chiamante){
		require_once 'Zend/Db.php';

// Automatically load class Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mysql and create an instance of it.
		$db_soap = Zend_Db::factory('Pdo_Mysql', array(
    			'host'     => '',
    			'username' => 'XX',
    			'password' => 'XX',
    			'dbname'   => 'XX'
		$sql_soap="select URL, nome_cognome, email from soap where URL=?";

		$result = $db_soap->fetchAll($sql_soap, $to_bind);
		return $result;
	private function invia(){
		require_once 'Zend/Mail.php';
			$mail = new Zend_Mail();
			$mail->setFrom($this->email, $this->nome);
			$mail->addBcc($this->bcc_email, $this->bcc_name);
	public function crea_messaggio(){
		switch ($status){
			case 0:
				 * 0 risultati non puo' inviare manca la registrazione
				$messaggio="L'URL ".$this->url_origine." non puo' inviare emails";
				//echo "no!";
			case 1:
				 * il risultato della query va bene
				 * c'è qualcosa
		echo "ok";
	echo  $messaggio;
	//return $messaggio;


$sendmail = new SoapServer('');

try {
// this works
$service = new service_sendmail();




catch (SoapFault $e){


this is the wsdl

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>

<!-- WSDL file generated by Zend Studio. -->

<definitions name="simple_email" targetNamespace="urn:simple_email" xmlns:typens="urn:simple_email" xmlns:xsd=""; xmlns:soap=""; xmlns:soapenc=""; xmlns:wsdl=""; xmlns="";>
	<message name="__construct"/>
	<message name="__constructResponse"/>
	<message name="invia"/>
	<message name="inviaResponse"/>
	<portType name="simple_emailPortType">
		<operation name="__construct">
			<input message="typens:__construct"/>
			<output message="typens:__constructResponse"/>
		<operation name="invia">
			<input message="typens:invia"/>
			<output message="typens:inviaResponse"/>
	<binding name="simple_emailBinding" type="typens:simple_emailPortType">
<soap:binding style="rpc" transport=""/>
		<operation name="__construct">
			<soap:operation soapAction="urn:simple_emailAction"/>
<soap:body namespace="urn:simple_email" use="encoded" encodingStyle=""/>
<soap:body namespace="urn:simple_email" use="encoded" encodingStyle=""/>
		<operation name="invia">
			<soap:operation soapAction="urn:simple_emailAction"/>
<soap:body namespace="urn:simple_email" use="encoded" encodingStyle=""/>
<soap:body namespace="urn:simple_email" use="encoded" encodingStyle=""/>
	<service name="simple_emailService">
		<port name="simple_emailPort" binding="typens:simple_emailBinding">
			<soap:address location=""/>

this is a simple client

ini_set("soap.wsdl_cache_enabled" , "0");
ini_set("error_reporting", "E_ALL");

try {

$service = new SoapClient("";);




catch (SoapFault $e){


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