I also noticed that thw WDSL definition does not contain a description
of the content of the Response, it simply states "any"
Might this be the problem?
If you mean xsd:any, then that's the trouble (you might include that part
of WSDL file - it could help).
See what problems you might encounter with xsd:any:
xsd:anyType, an alternative to xsd:any, is another story. I have
successfully used xsd:anyType with rpc/encoded many times (but within PHP
PHP SoapClient/Server is able to send e.g. dynamic associative arrays in
such configuration without losing index names, which is very helpful
If you plan to make your web service available to different clients
(JAX-WS, Axis, .NET), eliminate the need for 'any' elements - it is much
better (if it is possible) to write full type definition of sent data.
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