Here is my code.
$client = new SoapClient("https://gsx.apple.com/gsxws.wsdl");
Here is the Authenticate function that was returned on the __gettypes
() call.:
SessionInfo Authenticate(string $userName, string $password, string
$accountNo, string $language, string $timeZone)
$test = $client->Authenticate("macnet@mauimac.net", "pass", "24521",
"EN", "PST"); // This works
// code returned from var_dump = object(stdClass)#2 (2)
{ ["instanceID"]=> string(1) "6" ["sessionID"]=> string(22)
"z1AcbmuiCBF5FGKsekgTRM" }
$temp = array('', '', '661-3350', '', ''); // part array
$functions = $client->__getfunctions();
foreach ($functions as $func) {
echo $func . '\n';
print "<br>";
Here is the function I'm trying to use that was returned from the
__getfunctions() call.:
ArrayOf_tns1_Part PartsLookup(SessionInfo $sessionInfo,
PartLookupInfo $partLookupInfo)\n
$functions = $client->__gettypes();
foreach ($functions as $func) {
echo $func . '\n';
Here is the type I'm trying to use that was returned from __gettypes
() call.:
PartLookupInfo { string description; string eeeCode; string
partNumber; string productName; string serialNumber; }
Here is that code:
$temp = array('', '', '661-3350', '', ''); // array setup for type
$test = $client->PartsLookup('PartLookupinfo', $temp);
I get the following error:
Fatal error: Uncaught SoapFault exception: [ns1:at least one
parameter required for parts lookup] at least one parameter required
for parts lookup : in /Library/WebServer/Documents/shop/soap.php:10
Stack trace: #0 [internal function]: SoapClient->__call
('PartsLookup', Array) #1 /Library/WebServer/Documents/shop/soap.php
(10): SoapClient->PartsLookup('PartLookupinfo', Array) #2 {main}
thrown in /Library/WebServer/Documents/shop/soap.php on line 10
If I try this code:
$temp = array('', '', '661-3350', '', ''); // array setup for type
$test2 = $client->__call('PartsLookup', $temp);
I get the following error:
Fatal error: Uncaught SoapFault exception: [ns1:Server.userException]
GSX Server has encountered an exception at : 2007-08-15 18:24:21 Etc/
GMT, error reference tag is 6b8OYZ5NaAUzUeYZS4Gge0. If the issue
persists, please report this to Apple. Details on how to report can
be found at http://www.info.apple.com/gsx/gsxhelpform. in /Library/
WebServer/Documents/shop/soap.php:27 Stack trace: #0 /Library/
WebServer/Documents/shop/soap.php(27): SoapClient->__call
('PartsLookup', Array) #1 {main} thrown in /Library/WebServer/
Documents/shop/soap.php on line 27
Again, I'm new to soap, so not sure why these errors are being
generated. Any help to get me kick started would be greatly
appreciated. :)
Aloha from Gale, Tammy and Jackie :)