Re: xsd:choice maxOccurs=unbounded, and element order

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Quoting "" <>:

That structure is a bit confusing because of the repetition.
Technically you could have any series of e1 elements and e2 elements
Your choice tag makes that possible.  Seeing that in a sequence tag
seems strange.
Actually, that's exactly what I want.

It's not really as simple as in my example. The content actually describes a document which is broken up into different data types, but have to occur in the correct order in order to make sense. Let's try an example closer to what I'm trying to do:
Say, instead of elements e1 and e2, I have three: 'noun', 'verb', and  
'other'. (Again, this is a simplification, I'm not actually trying to  
do that, but my real-world schema is quite complicated and this is a  
better example)
Say my document then looks like:


As far as I'm aware this is a perfectly OK thing to do with XML. I should be able to preserve my element order. (Hey, xhtml does stuff quite similar to this, right?)
Unfortunately, when it gets to PHP, I'm left with the following:

[container] => stdClass Object
    [noun] Array
        [0] => cat
        [1] => string
    [other] Array
        [0] => playing
    [verb] Array
        [0] => The
        [1] => is
        [2] => with

My original document which read "The cat is playing with string", now reads "cat string playing The is with", which doesn't make sense.
Also, I'm not really in a position to muck around with the schema.  
It's working in a couple of implementations. Dotnet (which  
unfortunately is what most people seem to want to use to talk to this  
thing) handles the above case fine. I really need something to happen  
at the PHP-client end, in order to make this work.
I still think it looks like a bug.. ?


Simon Detheridge
SEN Developer, Widgit Software

Quoting "" <>:

That structure is a bit confusing because of the repetition.
Technically you could have any series of e1 elements and e2 elements
like this:


Your choice tag makes that possible.  Seeing that in a sequence tag
seems strange.  Perhaps you should not use the sequence.  That says
that elements are ordered in a specific order.  I don't know if the
choice tag interrupts that ordering.  If the sequence applies then it's
going need to be like this in order to validate:


If there is a relationship between e1 and e2 and they have to appear as
a pair, then you might consider wrapping them in a complex type with a
sequence and just putting minOccurs=0 and maxOccurs="unbounded" on the
element of that type.

On May 23, 2007, at 4:32 AM, Simon Detheridge wrote:


Sorry for crossposting. I sent this to php-general yesterday, not realising there was a specific SOAP list...
I'm trying to make PHP5's soap implementation play nice with my web  
 service, and I'm
having a problem.

Part of my schema contains a complexType, containing an xsd:choice of several different
element types, which can be repeated many times (maxOccurs=unbounded)


<xsd:complexType name='containertype'>
   <xsd:choice maxOccurs='unbounded'>
     <xsd:element name='e1' type='e1type'>
     <xsd:element name='e2' type='e2type'>

The problem is that the order of element here is important. I want the results returned
in the same order that they appear in the XML.

Unfortunately, what I end up with, is an object containing an array of all the e1
elements, followed by an array of all the e2 elements.

Take the following example... If there following were in my soap result:


What I actually end up seeing is something like:

[container] => stdClass Object
   [e1] Array
       [0] => some_stuff
       [1] => some_other_stuff
   [e2] Array
       [0] => different_stuff
       [1] => different_other_stuff

Note that this is somewhat simplified from my real-world example. In reality, "e1" and
"e2" are complexTypes themselves.

But I really do need to see the resulting elements in the same order that they were supplied. I'm able to do this in dotnet and gsoap clients, so far. (I haven't tried any

Incidentally, I'm using a basic unmodified skeleton generated by wsdl2php as my classmap.
The object describing the 'container' type looks simply like:

class container {

Perhaps it's possible to add something to this to help sort the order out??

Any suggestions are appreciated. Could this be a bug?

Incidentally, the full-blown (and rather complicated I'm afraid) schema/wsdl for what I'm *actually* trying to do is at if that helps.

Simon Detheridge
SEN Developer, Widgit Software

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