Hi! I would like to use a webservice which offers to layout a graph structure automatically. Regarding the WSDL description it looks pretty simple: http://cmap.ihmc.us/xml/LayoutWebService.html You input the graph data, and you recieve back graph data including the optimal x/y coordinates. Please note that this webservice requires the data in a special XML type (called CMAP), you can find an example here: http://cmap.ihmc.us/xml/PlantsSimple.cxl Ok, could anyone help me using this webservice? I tried it in PHP, however I get error messages: <html> <body> <?php //This is the XML data of the sample graph put in one long string $myCmap = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> ... ((put here the whole xml code of the sample mentioned above)) ... '; //Here we call the WSDL to use the soap webservice correctly $client = new SoapClient('http://cmap.ihmc.us/xml/LayoutWebService.wsdl'); //Now we call the function 'layout' of the webservice and hand over the string $result = $client->layout($myCmap); //The returned result is displayed echo $result; ?> </body> </html> PLEASE HELP! THANK YOU! -- View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Can-you-use-this-webservice--tf3781619.html#a10694634 Sent from the Php - Soap mailing list archive at Nabble.com. -- PHP Soap Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php