I'm trying to implement session management with soap by calling
'server.php' from two different clients - the values should increment in
client2.php but they don't. Please help me. Thanks.
class HelloServer {
private $count;
function __construct() {
$this->count = 0;
function sayhello() {
return $this->count;
$options = array("uri" => "http://test-uri/");
$server = new SoapServer(NULL, $options);
$option = array(
"location" => "http://localhost/phptest/server.php",
"uri" => "http://test-uri/",
"trace" => 1);
$client = new SoapClient(NULL, $option);
echo $client->sayhello() . "<br>"; // reutrns 1
echo $client->sayhello() . "<br>"; // returns 2
echo $client->sayhello() . "<br>"; // returns 3
$option = array(
"location" => "http://localhost/phptest/server.php",
"uri" => "http://test-uri/",
"trace" => 1);
$client = new SoapClient(NULL, $option);
echo $client->sayhello() . "<br>"; // reutrns 1 (*should be 4*)
echo $client->sayhello() . "<br>"; // returns 2 (*should be 5*)
echo $client->sayhello() . "<br>"; // returns 3 (*should be 6*)
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