Hello to all, I am trying to get my head around building a SOAP request that activates and adds a purchased amount to a gift card for online orders. I am using the built-in extension to PHP 5.1.2 The SOAP body that is required for this operation is as follows: <header-info> <merchant-id>1234</merchant-id> <store-code>myStore</store-code> <agent-name>ABC 123</agent-name> <terminal-id>0</terminal-id> <pos-transaction-id>999</pos-transaction-id> <datetime>2006-06-26T14:18:51</datetime> </header-info> <card-info> <swipe-flag>false</swipe-flag> <printed-card-number>1234561234561234</printed-card-number> </card-info> <add-wallet-content> <item-type>5</item-type> <item-id>444</item-id> <quantity>25.00</quantity> </add-wallet-content> Code example: $client = new SoapClient('path/to/wsdl', array('login' => 'login', 'password' => 'pwd')); At this point, I have initiated my connection handle and I can view SOAP methods ($client->__getFunctions();) The method I need for this service is: activate-add(activate-add-request $body) the 'activate-add-request' is the xml fragment above. Now, when I try to use this method as $client->activate-add($request), I get errors from PHP stating that SoapClient::$activate property is undefined and SoapClient::$add is undefined. Is there additional setup that needs to be done by my script to access these methods? Do I need to build this request with SoapParam or SoapVar or do I build the xml as a string and pass it to this method? I'm new with SOAP so any suggestions are always appreciated. Thanks. Ken Vandegrift