That didn't work, however the code snippet in here does:
(just add 'verify_peer', and 'cafile' to the options array)
mslemko wrote:
You may have to allow the client to ignore certain attributes.
$client = new SoapClient('https://yourserver/soap.php',
array('allow_self_signed' => true, 'verify_peer' => false));
if your server is using a self-signed SSL certificate,
allow_self_signed has to be set, and if the the server name is
different than the one in the certificate verify_peer has to be turned
off. I use these settings for testing.
David Terry wrote:
Hi all,
I have a PHP Soap client which successfully connects to a
webservice over HTTPS. However, the client is not verifying
the server's certificate. Is there an option in the SoapClient
constructor for specifying the CA certificate? Thanks.
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