I'm trying to pass a series of values to a web service using PHP and am running into serious problems. So in my PHP client I call the wsdl file and call the quoteMethod: [PHP] $wsdl2 = new SOAP_WSDL('https://www.webline.co.uk/WeblineWebServices/Quotes.asmx?WSDL'); $WLproxy2 = $wsdl2->getProxy(); $response2 = $WLproxy2->ProtectionQuoteRequest($LogonToken, 0, $client1, $client2, $product, '', '', '', ''); [/PHP] My problem is how do I define an object i.e. $client1, $client2 and $product so that the web service can correctly handle and parse them. Can any body offer any advice? The wsdl is as follows: [CODE] POST /WeblineWebServices/Quotes.asmx HTTP/1.1 Host: www.webline.co.uk Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: length SOAPAction: "http://webline.co.uk/webservices/Quotes/ProtectionQuoteRequest" < ?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> < soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> < soap:Body> < ProtectionQuoteRequest xmlns="http://webline.co.uk/webservices/Quotes/"> < LogonToken>string < /LogonToken> < ProductID>int < /ProductID> < Client1> < Sex>UNDEFINED or Male or Female < /Sex> < DOB>dateTime < /DOB> < Smoker>UNDEFINED or Yes or No < /Smoker> < Title>string < /Title> < FirstName>string < /FirstName> < Surname>string < /Surname> < OccCode>string < /OccCode> < OccClass>string < /OccClass> < AnnualEarnings>int < /AnnualEarnings> < /Client1> < Client2> < Sex>UNDEFINED or Male or Female < /Sex> < DOB>dateTime < /DOB> < Smoker>UNDEFINED or Yes or No < /Smoker> < Title>string < /Title> < FirstName>string < /FirstName> < Surname>string < /Surname> < OccCode>string < /OccCode> < OccClass>string < /OccClass> < AnnualEarnings>int < /AnnualEarnings> < /Client2> < TheProduct> < ProtectionSubtype>UNDEFINED or TERM or CONVERTIBLETERM or MORTGAGEPROTECTION or FAMILYINCOMEBENEFIT or WHOLELIFE < /ProtectionSubtype> < BenefitType>UNDEFINED or DEATH_BENEFIT or CRITICAL_ILLNESS or DEATH_OR_EARLIER_CIC < /BenefitType> < CICTPDMask>int < /CICTPDMask> < PremiumFrequency>UNDEFINED or Monthly or Annually or Quarterly or Weekly or Single or Half_Yearly or Termly or Four_Weekly < /PremiumFrequency> < TermYears>int < /TermYears> < Premium>float < /Premium> < Benefit>int < /Benefit> < IncreasingBenefit>UNDEFINED or Yes or No < /IncreasingBenefit> < WaiverBasis>None or FirstLife or SecondLife or Joint < /WaiverBasis> < RevRts>UNDEFINED or Yes or No or Both < /RevRts> < CoverBasis>UNDEFINED or SingleLife1 or SingleLife2 or JointFirstEvent or JointLastSurvivor or TwoSingleLifePolicies < /CoverBasis> < /TheProduct> < IFARef>string < /IFARef> < TheCommission> < Indemnity>boolean < /Indemnity> < Initial>int < /Initial> < Renewal>int < /Renewal> < /TheCommission> < Options>string < /Options> < /ProtectionQuoteRequest> < /soap:Body> < /soap:Envelope> [/CODE] -- View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/PHP--%3E-WSDL-objects-t1130852.html#a2960834 Sent from the Php - Soap forum at Nabble.com. -- PHP Soap Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php