Michael Rasmussen wrote:
On Wed, 26 Oct 2005 16:39:28 -0400, Colin Goldberg wrote:
(The wsdl - suitable for the "partner" API - is located at
This client works on my computer. Of course I cannot verify the actual
login since I dont have an account.
Taking your code as-is, I get the error: "curl_exec error 60 error
setting certificate verify locations". I think I have to set the curl
CURLOPT_CAINFO option to point to a certificate file, but I am not sure
where in the SOAP file hierarchy the curl function is available.
But a View Source shows me that the username and password were inserted
into the SOAP body.
require 'SOAP/Client.php';
$client = new SOAP_WSDL('http://www.thebizconnector.com/web_services/wsdl/sforce_partner.wsdl');
$client->trace = 1;
// print_r($client->generateProxyCode());
// exit;
$proxy = $client->getProxy();
$res = $proxy->login('foo', 'bar');
if (PEAR::isError($res))
echo $res->message() . "\n";
echo $proxy->__last_request . "\n";
echo $proxy->__last_response . "\n";
PS. Could you please stop top posting and insert your answers where the
belong? It makes it a lot more easy to navigate and follow the thread.
Thanks in advance.
Colin Goldberg
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