I am trying to implement a SOAP client for Amazon but haven't been
successful for a week already. I have used both PEAR and NuSoap without
For NuSoap, I am having this problem by simply implementing a getproxy
Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_STRING in ....../nusoap.php(6983) :
eval()'d code on line 1
Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: soap_proxy_1665726584
in ......nusoap.php(6985) : eval()'d code on line 1
Here's the very short and simple code:
// include class
// create a instance of the SOAP client object
$client = new
$proxy = $client->getProxy();
$proxy->setCredentials($username, $password);
I should have at least got a Authentication error not the error I
mentioned above.
Similarly, using Pear::Soap, am getting an empty response from the server
with the following code:
$proxy = array('user'=>$username,'pass'=>$password);
$soapclient = new SOAP_Client("$url", true, false, $proxy);
$v = new SOAP_Attachment('SWA','text/xml','attachment.xml');
$params = array('merchant'=>$merchantName,'messageType'=>
'_POST_PRODUCT_DATA_','doc' => $v);
#$options = array('namespace' =>
'urn:http://www.amazon.com/merchants/merchant-interface','trace' => 1);
$ret = $soapclient->call('postDocument',$params);
print_r($ret);echo "<br>\n";
Thanks in advance.
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