Thanks Al,
Im reading out the Zend article (use the Build In is my option since I first
planned my project.
This article really enlighted my path, but I still with some doubts.
1) How quick is the information transport in this case? Im making a 4 layer
application: Client[Java?]->PHP->PostGreSQL[PL]->PostGreSQL[Data]. Im using PHP
cause I don't want people getting able to see what's inside my codes (basically
all the system will be wrote in PL, few things in PHP), but I wanna know if is
better to use SOAP or to use a PHP Web Site, that will run in any pc anyway.
2) Ok, I got the ideas about porttype will hold all functions (like the forward
of pascal/delphi) but, how it works I mean,
here I have the getQuoteRequest and Response, but both work with getquote? How
it work? Would be the REQUEST the controler to input data and RESPONSE the
controller of output?
In this case, the code changes anything?
Thanks again
Al Baker wrote:
I realize you're frustrated, but please don't take that frustration out
on the mailing list who will try to help you ;)
Now, let's get down to business. WSDL is Web Service Description
Language, it describes web services. A Web Service is basically a set
of operations (functions) that use some defined data (think schema) and
communicate via messages (request, response). What the WSDL specifies
is for a given service, located at a given URI, here are all the
operations, the messages, the data types, etc.
The beauty of WSDL is you can take a client, and dynamically bind to
it. By bind, I mean the client will read the WSDL file and it will know
how to call all the different operations of that WSDL and will
automatically know all the data types. There is also static binding,
where people write the client and server specifically to conform to the
SOAP is an open XML protocol for defining an API - most often this API
is RPC, meaning a procedure you call remotely, and get a response. So
there'll be a request message, possibly with parameters, and a response
message, possibly with some return data. It's all well-formed and
well-defined XML, so you can use SOAP to talk between just about
anything - PHP, Java, C++, C#, Perl, Python, etc.
I recommend you use either the PEAR::SOAP package for PHP4 (available
from or the built in soap extension in PHP5.
Here are some PEAR::SOAP tutorials:
There's an excellent PHP5 SOAP extension article here:
Good luck, I'm sure once you take a look at some of these articles,
you'll see that SOAP is suposed to make things easier for you :)
On Tue, 2005-06-14 at 00:15 -0300, Sidney Ferreira wrote:
Im trying to create a SOAP server. I created one with NuSOAP but it isn't a
REAL soap.
I want to know what the hell I need to put inside the WSDL file, or what is th
URI thing.
I readed a lot anf I just get more confused... I know that WSDL is a standart
for web services and stuff but WHAT IS WROTE IN IT?! What's the f*cking
services, types and stuff? what it is usefull for?
There NO well wrote SOAP tutorial!
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