Fixed it, completely unrelated to anything just one of my stupid
includes was creating a Server where it shouldn't have been :)
Jan Pittner wrote:
Hi, I'm using a soap server (running php 5.0.4 stable) and a soap client
(running on different machines in a local network). I have one WSDL that
describes some services and it works fine. I have another that when I
try and use it, I get a soap fault ENV:Server that the procedure is not
present (meanwhile the function is properly defined, I set the class on
the server, etc.)
Here's the relevant data from the soapfault:
string(27) "Procedure 'abc' not present"
string(15) "SOAP-ENV:Server"
WSDL validates A-OK and both are very similiar.
What's very odd is that it was working fine, and then just stopped
(checking my source control, none of the files changed).
The WSDL files are not cached. __getFunctions on SoapClient works fine
and shows the correct functions. This is something on the server I
think, and I haven't a clue how to debug/fix this.
Thanks for any help.
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