On Mar 28, 2005, at 10:27 AM, Dmitry Stogov wrote:
I just found the bug. :) Thank you for your reports.
Thanks for fixing them!
I have committed fix into HEAD only. The example in attachment sets header namespaces (with fixed HEAD).
Looks like there's still the problem with the version attribute (which works as an attribute now - thanks!) not having the correct namespace. Here's a fragment of the output:
<env:Header> <ns2:MessageHeader version="2.0"> <ns2:From>
That should be <ns2:MessageHeader ns2:version="2.0">, the namespace on the attribute isn't inherited. If you take the full output from soap1.php and run it through this:
$dom = DOMDocument::load('1.xml');
foreach($dom->getElementsByTagName('MessageHeader') as $el) {
$att = $el->getAttributeNS('http://www.ebxml.org/namespaces/messageHeader', 'version');
You'll see that it's not correctly namespacing 'version'.
Thanks for all the help with this!
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